Continuity and Innovation in TMA Strategy 2:
TMA aims to deliver further reductions to time and costs of doing business in Uganda. This will be achieved through support to ICT for Trade, enhancing coordination among trade agencies and upscaling successful interventions such as ECTS and AEO to the regional level. TMA will encourage export-led growth by supporting the production of higher value-added tradable products. Supporting private sector advocacy around standards, quality and market access for high potential products will increase export capability of Uganda. To complement this, the programme will facilitate reforms in technology, skills, and data within the logistics sector to enable agile, lean and efficient supply chains.
New areas of work will include an intermodal logistics hub at Gulu, which will elevate the Gulu-Juba Corridor; supporting the increase in trade with DRC and South Sudan, and greater inclusion and gender mainstreaming- through support to Women in Trade.