Our Projects are
Transforming African Trade
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2nd Floor, Fidelity Insurance Centre Waiyaki Way, Westlands
Women cross border traders in Burundi work individually and not as co-operatives. They lack understanding on the benefits of establishing joint businesses and working together as a team. Â The temporary closure of some borders has affected the livelihoods of these women traders as they now cross the border via rivers which further raises safety concerns. Transportation of vegetables through the river also leads to spoilage and therefore the traders are unable to fetch high prices.
Their income based on price differences in sales of items net of daily transportation costs is very minimal for day-to-day survival. Women traders do not produce any products or add value to it. They are mere ‘intermediaries’ with lack of a broader vision to earn higher incomes.
In addition, many traders are exposed to beatings, verbal insults, stripping, sexual harassment and even rape. This gender-based violence, although more prevalent in the DRC, is perpetrated on both sides of the border in Burundi, Rwanda and Uganda. Women traders report harassment from government officials, and at times from buyers, which cause delays and income losses and much of it go unreported. Informal cross border traders, particularly women, lack strong institutions that would advocate their rights and demand for inclusion in the expanding trade in the region.
The project will foster the development of a women-centred cross-border trade in view of strengthening the economic resilience and social cohesion in target communities and increase incomes of CBT to the Burundi trade revenues.
The project will specifically support improved business environment for women cross border traders
Sandra Nyambuza: sandra.nyambuza@trademarkea.com
1. Reduced barriers to trade in selected sub-sectors in Burundi (Fisheries, palm products and fruits) and greater inclusion of women in trade.
2. Improved export capabilities in fisheries, palm and fruits sub-sectors
info access for
crops & over five breeds of livestock
info access for
crops & over five breeds of livestock
info access for
crops & over five breeds of livestock
Key outputs include;
Burundi NMC National Coordinator is recruited
Burundi NMC National Strategy is developed and validated
Burundi National Monitoring Committee (NMC) for Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs) Action Plan developed and implemented