Our Projects are
Transforming African Trade
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2nd Floor, Fidelity Insurance Centre Waiyaki Way, Westlands
Uganda currently lacks a National Standards and Quality Policy or a strategy to provide guidance and a coherent direction for the development of the national standards and quality infrastructure. Uganda has begun work on strengthening and promoting the use of quality standards and infrastructure through the SIDA and EU-funded Quality Infrastructure and Standards Programme (QUISP). Current funding indicates a deficit of €4m against a budget of €9m, out of which TMA will be funding the amount of US$1.6m. The Ministry of Trade and Uganda National Bureau of Standards have expressed the importance for TMA to work within existing mechanisms such as QUISP in supporting implementation of standards in Uganda.
Promote the use of standards and quality infrastructure so as to improve the competitiveness of Uganda’s products, processes and service delivery systems in domestic, regional and international markets.
TMA will provide financial and technical support to the Uganda government through the Ministry of Trade and Uganda National Bureau of Standards for the Implementation of project.
Moses Sabiiti, Email: moses.sabiiti@trademarkea.com
Click here to learn more about One Stop Border Posts Program
Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) simplify and increase the transparency of import/ export procedures; producers improve the quality of products produced; bureau of standards staff and producers improve their understanding of standards and requirements. Together, the results will lead to the UNBS improving efficiency and effectiveness of testing.
info access for
crops & over five breeds of livestock
info access for
crops & over five breeds of livestock
info access for
crops & over five breeds of livestock
Key outputs;
National standards and quality policy adopted by Cabinet, implementation plan operationalized
Skills and knowledge enhanced
Laboratory equipment for UNBS procured and installed
The capacity of service providers enhanced
The capacity of standards agencies involved in standards development and enforcement enhanced
MTTI, UNBS and private sector agencies supported to effectively
participate in the standards forum where rules and requirements are set.
Key stakeholders sensitised on quality and standards
Communications and awareness campaign to promote standards implemented.