Our Projects are
Transforming African Trade
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2nd Floor, Fidelity Insurance Centre Waiyaki Way, Westlands
According to the Private Sector Foundation Uganda 2013 report, in Uganda, as in any other developing countries, the business community involved in international trade has to regularly prepare and submit large volumes of information and documents to governmental authorities to comply with import, export and transit-related regulatory requirements. This information and documentation often has to be submitted through several agencies, each with their own specific (manual or automated) systems and paper forms. These extensive documentation requirements, together with their associated compliance costs, constitute serious challenges to both the government and the business community and constitute non – tariff barriers (NTBs) to the development of intra-regional and international trade. Data capture is also duplicated as the same information is provided to different Government Agencies at various points of the importation/exportation clearance process.
The National Electronic Single Window (NESW) Single Window System is a trade facilitation concept whose implementation allows traders to simultaneously submit information requirements for trade regulatory documents, such as: customs declarations; applications for import and export permits; certificates of origin; and trading invoices, through a single online portal/window.
The aim of the project is to reduce transaction costs and time associated with processing documentation for selected imports and exports at key trade regulatory agencies in Uganda by 30%.
TMA is providing financial and technical support to Uganda to implement the electronic cargo tracking system
Moses Sabiiti, Email: moses.sabiiti@trademarkea.com
Click here to learn more about One Stop Border Posts Program
30% reduction in transaction costs and time associated with processing documentation for selected imports and exports at key trade regulatory agencies in Uganda
info access for
crops & over five breeds of livestock
info access for
crops & over five breeds of livestock
info access for
crops & over five breeds of livestock
Key outputs include:
Institutional arrangements for the implementation of NESW formalised. Lea Implementation and lead coordinating agencies appointed, Customs centric system agreed, Technical Working Group, Steering Committee and Inter-Ministerial High Level task force in place.
Project work plans, budget and monitoring plan approved.