project brief

System upgrade: Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority (TFDA)’s Integrated Management Information System – Version 1.0.


Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority (TFDA

Target Group

Importers and Exporters in East Africa

Project Value


Implementation Period

July 2017 – June 2019

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Why this project?

TFDA customers are obliged to submit hand-filled application forms with details that in turn must be manually entered in the IMIS by TFDA staff. This process calls the need for more staff, possibilities of human mistakes/errors while entering the information in the system, delays with issuance of business permits, and likelihood of corruption due to physical contact with customers. All this leads to an increased cost of doing business on part of customers and service giving by TFDA. Additionally, this situation has been aggravated by shortage of ICT equipment at Head Office, zonal office and at port of entries.


TFDA, with support from TMA, launched and rolled out an Integrated Management Information System (IMIS) in 2014 (Version 1.0), to process registration of regulated products; issuance of import and export permits; premises registration; and laboratory management. The system eliminated the need for traders to physically walk into TFDA offices to acquire such services, leading to a time reduction of approximately 96% – from 48 hours to 2 hours. However, TFDA has not been able to fully optimize the use of online technologies because the system is internalized where by the applicants of any TFDA services must physically fill specific forms for most the offered services, except for import and export services. Through the proposed upgrade, the System will use a current Web-based design technology to ensure a standard interface as well as ensuring that it can be used effectively in the future through integration to the organization’s applications and external services via API which will facilitate unrelated operations, such as, Human resource MIS.

Project’s Key Outputs include:

  • IMIS System Upgraded;
  • Change Management Plan developed and implemented;
  • IMIS Integration Layer enhanced; and

ICT equipment (Servers and Laptops) purchased.


Through a consultant, the system will be created to allow for data warehouse and repository of records that will be captured in the workflow process involving the undertaken operations. It will also accommodate the user requests and align the system as per the SOP guidelines.


Email: Michael Mitheu  and Monica Hangi

Desired Results:

Trade agencies and economic operators increase compliance in the application and observance of trade procedures

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