Our Projects are
Transforming African Trade
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2nd Floor, Fidelity Insurance Centre Waiyaki Way, Westlands
NTBs account for a significant proportion of the high transportation costs in the EAC which are estimated to limit intra-regional trade by approximately 15% [World Bank] and constitute significant limitations to foreign direct investment. The existing NTBs have also created a mechanism which funds government institutions and a culture which also includes the possibility of corruption. In Tanzania, foreign-registered cargo trucks are required to pay US$ 500 to the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) on each entry, in addition to annual fees of S$600. This makes eliminating NTBs one of the highest priorities for the EAC Secretariat and member states.
The TMA Tanzania Programme will provide support to TCCIA through, financial aid, technical, capacity building and logistical support
Elibariki Shammy,
Click here to learn more about One Stop Border Posts Program
Elimination of Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs) which will contribute to reduction in transport costs along key corridors in East Africa
info access for
crops & over five breeds of livestock
info access for
crops & over five breeds of livestock
info access for
crops & over five breeds of livestock
Elimination of NTBs. Key outputs include;
Chamber programme on advocacy and monitoring of NTBs designed and delivered
Awareness, training, stakeholder consultation and study tours on NTB removal conducted