Our Projects are
Transforming African Trade
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2nd Floor, Fidelity Insurance Centre Waiyaki Way, Westlands
As the main gateway into Southern Sudan from the port of Mombasa, the Nimule-Elegu border post is of strategic importance to the EAC region. The border is extremely slow, and Nimule takes an average of four days to process imports. This delay imposes serious costs on traders. These time delays can be attributed to inadequate border infrastructure, insufficient quality and quantity of technical equipment, poor border design, complicated procedures based on centralized control, and multiple border organisations working in isolation.
TradeMark Africa is financing an OSBP at Elegu, Uganda, and modernising and extending the facilities at Nimule, South Sudan.
TMA will provide full funding for the construction of the OSBP. Harmonisation of customs procedures will be undertaken by a Joint Task Force of Experts from the two countries concerned and supported by TradeMark Africa. The project will be implemented in coordination with other ongoing initiatives of the World Bank, JICA, USAID, the African Development Bank and the European Union. TMA will engage consultants for design and supervise work.
Michael Ojatum, Email: michael.ojatum@trademarkea.com
Click here to learn more about One Stop Border Posts Program
Efficient border processing, improved knowledge and skills of border agencies and compliance with border procedures which will reduce waiting times at the Nimule border point. This will contribute to reducing trade costs in East Africa.
info access for
crops & over five breeds of livestock
info access for
crops & over five breeds of livestock
info access for
crops & over five breeds of livestock
Key outputs include:
• Improved border post and IT infrastructure, including: administration block, heavy vehicle inspection facility, road and civil works, refurbishment of existing buildings, housing and accommodation of border agency staff.
• Harmonised working procedures on both sides of the border; and
• Training for border agency staff, freight forwarders and traders.