Our Projects are
Transforming African Trade
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2nd Floor, Fidelity Insurance Centre Waiyaki Way, Westlands
The regulatory framework for standards in Kenya has overlapping ministerial responsibilities, which has created difficulties for traders in understanding which organisation is responsible for particular tasks which in turn can result in delays in complying with standards regulations.
The KEBS medium-term strategy 2010-2013 included a review of the framework to clarify and rationalize conflicting and overlapping responsibilities as well as align Kenya’s SQMT infrastructure with international and regional provisions. The project provides support towards reforming the national SQMT policy and legislation in conformity with an EAC wide framework.
KEBS is implementing the project with technical and financial support from TradeMark Africa.
Joshua Mutunga: joshua.mutunga@trademarkea.com
Click here to learn more about One Stop Border Posts Program
KEBS staff and producers improve their understanding of standards and requirements, increased number and range of parameters tested by KEBs and simplified and more transparency of import/ export procedures.
info access for
crops & over five breeds of livestock
info access for
crops & over five breeds of livestock
info access for
crops & over five breeds of livestock
It also focuses on upgrading laboratory facilities and staff training with key outputs being:
Standards Act reviewed.
A national quality policy developed.
Technical Regulations Act passed.
Testing equipment upgraded.
Training for KEBs staff.