project brief

Advocacy and PPD dialogue platforms Programme


Tanzania Private Sector Foundation (TPSF)

Target Group

Public and Private Sector group

Project Value


Implementation Period

September 2018- August 2023

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Why this project?

To strengthen and sustain Tanzania’s trade and investment; it is critical that an enabling environment be in place to guarantee growth and predictability. Public-Private Sector Dialogue can play a crucial role in addressing constraints, providing short-term stimulus with long-term impact and contribute to economic growth and poverty reduction. The programme will advocate for legal reforms, implementation and enforcement of laws across all arms of government, address the weak institutional and technical capacity of Private Sector Organizations as a prerequisite for a results-driven public-private sector dialogue. TMA already has a strong track record in supporting public-private sector participation in trade and catalysing national and regional business reforms in Strategy I. TMA therefore, has a comparative advantage that can trigger numerous and far-reaching impact with a focused advocacy agenda.


The project’s Key outputs include;

  • Reduction in transport cost and time (road, rail and air) and Increased efficiency in private sector logistics services provision
  • Enhanced Customs, Port and other trade-related agencies efficiency and reduce service time through inter-agency collaboration, digitising and integrated trade management systems.
  • Reduction in tariffs, taxes and levies (including sub-national) and increased tax incentives
  • Enhanced efficiency of Bureau of Standards, reduction in related costs, reduce counterfeit and sub-standard goods, and improve private sector compliance.
  • Catalysing increase in exports annually, creation of direct and indirect jobs, and increased investment in targeted sectors in Tanzania under the Compact and TLCs through increased investment incentives.


The programme will support legal, policy and regulatory issues along TMA project clusters which form thematic PPDs, i.e. Transport & Logistics, Trade Facilitation, Customs & Tax, Standards, NTBs and the SAGCOT Trade Logistic cluster (TLC). The programme will foster strong political buy-in and commitment to address sub-national, national and regional (Particularly NTBs) business environment issues to reduce risks and strengthen TMA’s overall results.


Email: Elibariki Shammy

Desired Results:

Enhanced evidence-based PSO/CSO advocacy

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