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Construction work to build four one-stop border posts along the highway linking Mozambique and Malawi is due to start in 2024.
The initiative is part of the Southern Africa trade and connectivity project and will facilitate the movement of people, stimulate international trade by reducing costs between Mozambique and Malawi, as well as facilitate the coordinated and efficient border control and movement of people and customs clearance of goods at the one stop border posts of Mandimba in Niassa, Milanje in Zambezia and Zóbué and Calómuè in Tete.
Southern Africa’s infrastructure, trade and connectivity coordinator, Paulo Baúque, told Radio Mozambique (RM) that Mozambique is advanced in this process. “The hiring of the consultant for the Mandimba border in Niassa and the feasibility studies are proof of progress,” he said, and for the remaining three borders the process of hiring the consultant has not yet been concluded.
Baúque also said that US$30 million from the World Bank was available for the three borders, which will take two years to build.
On the Malawian side, specifically in Dedza and Mwanza, which border Calómue and Zòbuue in Tete province, respectively, work of this kind has already been concluded.
A similar project has already been implemented between Malawi, Zambia and Tanzania.
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