PUBLISHED ON July 25th, 2014


Transport Cabinet Secretary Michael Kamau has said money for the construction of a dual carriage road from Moi International Airport to Changamwe in Mombasa has been secured. The CS added that the ministry would next week float the tender for the project. Eng Kamau said Trademark East Africa ( TMA ) has already approved the $15 million (Sh.1.32 billion) while the Government has factored the remaining $24million (Sh.2.11 billion) in the budget to be announced today for the project. Construction of the dual carriage is one of the five Sh52 billion infrastructural projects that the Government intends to undertake, some of which are in the tendering stage while others are under construction, to make Mombasa a true East and Central Africa transport hub. A section of politicians last week claimed the Government was taking time to implement huge projects in Mombasa because of politics. Led by Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho, they accused the Government of delaying the implementation of Dongo Kundu project and shifting priority to the construction of the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR).

Yesterday, however, Kamau said that the delay was inevitable, adding that “the Governor was himself the assistant minister for Transport and he is aware why this project has delayed.” Already, the Government has advertised the tender for the construction of the first phase of the Dongo Kundu project, which entails building of another dual carriageway from Miritini to Kipevu with interchanges at Miritini. Kamau made the remarks in Mombasa while inspecting the projects at the Mombasa port. He said a 1.3km single carriage from Dolphin roundabout that pass through Moi Airport and Kenya Ports Authority.

Source: Standard Digital

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