PUBLISHED ON July 12th, 2024

Lamu Port will connect Zim to East Africa: ZimTrade

NATIONAL trade development and promotion organisation, ZimTrade, says Lamu Port could open new logistical gateways for Zimbabwe to the thriving markets of the eastern seaboard.

The port is a cornerstone of the Kenyan government’s infrastructure development strategy, connecting the modern Port of Lamu to key inland towns, including Garissa, Isiolo, Maralal, Lodwar and Lokichogio.

The port also extends to Moyale at the Ethiopian border, with a further link to the Southern Sudan border, positioning Kenya as a vital trade hub in the region.

The project feeds into the African Continental Free Trade Area targets of developing supportive infrastructure that will facilitate cross border trade across the continent.

“The state-of-the-art facilities will enable direct connections between Indian Ocean seaports and Africa’s interior, reducing delays and costs,” ZimTrade said.

“For landlocked countries like Zimbabwe, Lamu Port could open new logistical gateways to the thriving markets of the eastern seaboard.

“As intra-African trade enters a new era of liberalisation, the crowds of cranes and container ships at Lamu symbolise the continent’s collective aspirations for growth and integration through trade.”

The organisation said the Lamu Port, as part of the Lamu Port South Sudan Ethiopia Transport Corridor project, will provide Zimbabwean traders access to new markets in Kenya, South Sudan and Ethiopia.

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