PUBLISHED ON October 5th, 2023

IGAD Inaugurates Moyale One Stop Border Post Between Ethiopia & Kenya

Addis Ababa, September 29, 2023 (FBC) – The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Executive Secretary Workneh Gebeyehu officially inaugurated the Moyale Cross Boarder Development Facilitation Office earlier today.

According to IGAD Division of Health and Social Development, the office will support communities on Moyale – Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia.

Furthermore, the IGAD Executive Secretary arrived this morning in Moyale – the border town between Ethiopia and Kenya to preside over the inauguration of the facilitation office.

Workneh and his entourage planted tree seedlings on arrival at the Moyale One Stop Border Post between Kenya and Ethiopia where the inauguration ceremony was presided over.

The IGAD ES, in his remarks at the inaugural event, said; “IGAD has had a steadfast presence in the Moyale area for more than 2 decades. We’ve been working tirelessly to support our member states in implementing various borderland programs, along with numerous projects led by our divisions and specialized institutions and in partnership with the EuropeanUnion and German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit).”

Mr. Workneh added, “Today, as we open the IGAD Cross Border Development Facilitation Office in Moyale, we are bringing all these various initiatives under one umbrella, united by the theme of “One IGAD.”

Moreover, several infrastructure projects will be implemented in Moyale on both sides of the boarder following the normalization of peace in the community. Under the Regional Migration Fund several initiatives have been launched on Ethiopia’s side of Moyale supported by KfW Development Bank (KfW Entwicklungsbank – KfW Group).

Similarly, under the “Regional Migration Fund” several initiatives have been launched on Kenya’s side of Moyale. These are said to be part of €5.5Million KfW Development Bank infrastructure projects on both sides of the Boarder.

“We believe that this office will play a vital role in fostering cooperation and enhance social cohesion & through the cross boarder peace structures, will create livelihood opportunities for the population in Moyale-Moyale,” said Ambassador of Germany to Kenya, Markus Hein.

For her part, Fathia Alwan, Director of Health & Social Development division at IGAD, noted that this is part of bringing IGAD to the people and these events today are aimed at a coordinated implementation and support for IGAD cross border initiatives.

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