guiding strategy


Underpinned By an Aeries
Of Interrelated Propositions.

TradeMark Africa’s work is underpinned by a series of interrelated propositions that guide what TradeMark Africa and its partners do.These propositions are underpinned by knowledge, assumptions and beliefs about how and why particular actions are expected to trigger particular changes. Propositions do not predict change. These propositions are called ‘theories of change’. At TradeMark Africa, the theory of change is synonymous with strategy.

There are several layers to TradeMark Africa’s theory of change. The logic or theories can be viewed as a hierarchy where the inter-relationships between the different theories link up and across the areas that TradeMark Africa works. This section outlines TradeMark Africa’s understanding of the bigger picture and then its areas of focus.

Our Pillars For Success

At the higher end of the theory of change, it is proposed that three necessary key ‘trade competitiveness’ elements contribute to increasing trade. Increased trade is believed to contribute to increased economic growth and subsequently reduce poverty.

These Elements are:

  • Increased Physical Access to Markets;
  • Enhanced Trade Environment; &
  • Improved Business Competitiveness.

Increased Physical Access To Markets.

market logic & budget allocation.

Increasing market access is the largest area of TradeMark Africa’s portfolio, with approximately 45% of TradeMark Africa’s budget allocated to this area of work. Virtually all TradeMark Africa activities in this area are designed to increase market access by reducing the cost of trade.

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Enhanced Trade Environment.

regional & national coordination.

Approximately, 38% of TradeMark Africa (TMA)’s budget is in the area of Enhanced Trade Environment with the most being aligned to improving regional and national coordination through developing the capacities of the EAC organs and institutions and Ministries of EAC in each Partner State.

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Improved Business Competitiveness.

Approximately 17% of TradeMark Africa (TMA)’s budget supports Improved Business Competitiveness (IBC) as a key building block for increased trade competitiveness, improved trade, and poverty reduction. TradeMark Africa (TMA) seeks to improve business competitiveness in East Africa through enhancing business regulations for trade, improving export capability and developing efficient trade logistics services.

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