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About our organisation

Who We Are

Country Context
& Overview.

TradeMark Africa ( TMA ) is funded by a range of development agencies with the aim of growing prosperity in East Africa through trade. We believe that enhanced trade contributes to economic growth, a reduction in poverty and subsequently increased prosperity.

TradeMark Africa (TMA) works closely with East African Community (EAC) institutions, national governments, the private sector and civil society organisations to increase trade by unlocking economic potential through:

work image
  • Increased Physical Access to Markets.
  • Improved Business Competitiveness
  • Enhanced trade environment

Our Mission

To promote rapid advances in East Africa’s integration, trade and global competitiveness for all East Africans.

Our Vision

A united East Africa with flourishing trade, strong investment and less poverty.

Our Core Values


We value our partners & staff & appreciate their diversity


We constantly strive for new solutions to achieve the best possible outcome.

Results Driven.

We focus on high impact and cost effective results to improve the lives of East Africans.


We are transparent, honest and ethical in the way we work.


We work enthusiastically to deliver excellence in everything we need.


We listen to our partners and staff, and are flexible to our response to their needs.

TradeMark Africa ( TMA ) supports East African integration through close partnerships with the EAC Secretariat, national governments. the private sector and civil society. TradeMark Africa (TMA) is partner-driven and results-focused. Offering flexible instruments such as financial aid and technical assistance.


EAC Secretariat and Institutions.

TradeMark Africa (TMA) supports regular high-level dialogue with the EAC. partner states and development partners on the regional trade and integration agenda through stakeholder forums and the Arusha roundtable meeting series.

Civil Society.

TradeMark Africa (TMA) supports civil society through grants and the creation of regional dialogue platforms on key issues affecting trade and growth.

East African National Ministries.

In each of the partner states. the Ministries of East African Cooperation (MEAC) typically coordinates regional integration policy making and implementation. TradeMark Africa (TMA) focuses technical assistance with EAC ministries. In each member state to improve their leadership and coordination of regional integration.

Private Sector.

TradeMark Africa (TMA) works with the private sector supporting research and advocacy that will facilitate the ease of doing business in East Africa.

TradeMark Africa (TMA) has adopted the Donor Committee for Enterprise Development (DCED) standards for results measurement. We believe that meeting the standards will support TradeMark Africa (TMA)‘s aim to:

Ensure TradeMark Africa (TMA) has a clear story about what it would like to see change how, why and what TradeMark Africa (TMA) and partners are doing is expected to contribute to these changes.

Have relevant and timely information to assist irnplementers and decision makers to adjust projects in response to implementation issues, what is working and not working and improve the chances of success.

Have sufficient evidence to be able to explain what happened. how and why and TradeMark Africa (TMA)‘s contribution to changes to the extent that a reasonable person would accept.


Reduction in time for trucks crossing select borders.


Increase in value of exports from the EAC region.


Increase in intra-regional exports compared with total exports from the region.


Reduction in average time to import/export a container from Mombasa or Dar to Burundi or Rwanda.