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“Building Knowledge to be the Best I can be” by Brian Issa Biryomumaisho

Before the training, there were many things I could not understand. There were many technical things I did not know about, which meant I could not do my job as well as I wanted to. I made many mistakes: Importing from the UK parcels often arrived and were delivered straight to me because I didn’t know how to interpret all the notes with it very well I sometimes paid on behalf of the client and later found out that it had already been pre-paid. This caused a lot of frustration for the client and hassle for my company to sort out later. I didn’t know how to calculate tariffs and taxes properly so I would sometimes advise friends or clients to import products that were of poor value to import once all duties were paid.  

The company I worked for got a new client, who was very important to the company and brought a lot of business. My boss suggested that I could manage the account, but that I should participate in the training course first. I really wanted to learn everything I could to do my job well and was very glad when this opportunity came up. I learned so much about valuation techniques, tariffs, taxes, electronic systems, customs procedures, what happens at every stage of the cargo transport from the ports to Kigali, and how to manage customers well and be professional. I was very interested and was able to apply all the knowledge I gained to my job very quickly.

I have become much better at my work, understand every step of what I do, and have all the knowledge to serve my client well. I no longer make mistakes with payments, valuation, tariffs or taxes. The advice I provide is based on solid knowledge and my boss and my clients can see that. I am confident in what I do and feel secure now. Before the training people could look down on me with an attitude of ‘you don’t know’ but now when I talk to the head of the company, revenue authorities, or clients I get treated with a lot of respect and very professionally. My knowledge and skills are recognised.