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TradeMark Africa (TMA) shares knowledge from its direct experience on what works in Aid for Trade (A4T) programming in Eastern and Southern Africa. Strengthening lessons learned, combined with complementary external partnerships and applied research, will bolster TMA’s ability to produce long-term impact in its programmes. Credible thought leadership will also pave the way for an increased audience with governments as they implement the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA). TMA will emphasise a continuum of learning and sharing from its internal strategy and processes, through its ongoing and new engagements with strategic partners, that combine to generate a greater momentum than either strategy could on its own.


The evaluation programme will be used to investigate the assumptions in the Theory of Change (TOC) where TMA’s knowledge needs to be improved. The dual focus will be on better understanding the pathways to intermediate outcome level; and the effectiveness of TMA interventions in contributing to the achievement of intermediate outcome targets. Importantly, evaluation will be used to provide evidence and fill knowledge gaps from the results framework and modelling tools.