Category: DFID Independent Evaluation Report

TradeMark Africa Climate Change Strategy 2018 – 23

1. Background TradeMark Africa’s (TMA) mission is to promote regional trade, economic integration and competitiveness in East Africa. The region faces significant long-term risks from climate change (CC) because the economies are highly dependent on climate sensitive sectors such as agriculture. This proposed Climate Change Strategy complements TMA’s Corporate Strategy 2018-2023 by building climate resilient trade and economies, improving environmental management and reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions within core TMA sectors in the EAC region. 1.1. Global climate change framework Escalating climate change related threats and continued increase of GHG contents in the atmosphere give evidence that the globally planned actions may be inadequate and too late to reverse the trend. Poor people are more vulnerable to climate change impacts and therefore more disadvantaged by climate than the well off. Women commonly face higher risks and greater burdens from the impacts of climate change in situations of poverty, and many of the world’s poor are women. As a result of the Paris Agreement in 2015, 190 countries, including all the EAC countries, made commitments to reduce national greenhouse gas emissions and achieve specified adaptation outcomes through their national climate change strategies, the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). However, the submitted NCDs are far from enough and more action is required. Although inadequate funding has become the major restriction, new opportunities in climate funding for developing countries have emerged public and private. 1.2 Climate change and East Africa Continuing robust economic growth in Eastern Africa is essential to reduce poverty and build...