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Whistle Blowing

Report Fraud, Corruption and Misconduct

TradeMark Africa (TMA) has zero tolerance to fraud, corruption and misconduct (including harassment) and has developed a fraud prevention policy to support an environment free from fraud, corruption and harassment.

TMA has engaged KPMG to provide secure, confidential and independent whistle-blowing channels for reporting any suspicion of irregularity involving TradeMark Africa (TMA) resources or employees. These channels are available 24/7.

This allows employees, implementing partners, suppliers and members of the public to anonymously report any unethical practices, including fraud, corruption, and misconduct. TMA commits to protect the identity of whistle-blowers.

A whistle-blower can report fraud, corruption or misconduct using any of the following secure channels;


      • Kenya: 0800 722 770 (toll-free), +27 12 567 8381
      • Uganda: +27 12 567 8383
      • Tanzania: +27 12 567 8440
      • Rwanda, Burundi, DRC – +27 12 567 8432
      • Ethiopia, Somaliland – +27 12 567 8433
      • Djibouti; Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique, and South Sudan: +27 12 567 8455



Any person who makes a report of reasonably held suspicions of wrongdoing (whether through the whistle-blower line or otherwise) shall not be disadvantaged in any way by TMA, including suffering any punishment, penalty, or retaliation, as a result of making the report.

If a whistle-blower is concerned about the adequacy of TMA’s response to their report, they may also submit their concern through the whistle-blowing mechanisms of any of TMA’s donors, the contact details of which can be found on their respective official websites.

For all USAID funded projects, reports may be made directly to the USAID office of Inspector General:

P.O Box 657 Washington DC 20044-0657

Phone: 1-800-230-6539 or 202-712-1023


Web Portal:

To learn more, download our whistle blowing FAQ, English: here; French: here.