Archives: Press release

USAID Equipment Donation to Streamline Trade Clearance Processes and Improve Access to Government Services at EAC Border Posts

November 20, 2024, Nairobi, Kenya. USAID today flagged off technology equipment worth $33,000 to four East African Community (EAC) land border posts - Lwakhakha (Kenya/Uganda) and Loitoktok/Tarakea (Kenya/Tanzania) to enhance the operational efficiency of cross-border regulatory agencies better facilitating trade, cargo clearance, and cooperation among customs authorities and partner government agencies. The purchase of the equipment was funded by USAID Economic Recovery and Reform Activity (ERRA) implemented by TradeMark Africa (TMA). The four selected borders play a crucial role in facilitating the movement of agricultural commodities and products across the East African countries and serve as conduits for strengthening regional trade connectivity within the EAC. The Lwakhakha border is crucial in alleviating traffic pressure from key Northern Corridor borders at Malaba and Busia, while the Loitoktok/Tarakea border plays a central role in linking South-Eastern region in Kenya with the North-Eastern region in Tanzania and facilitating broader trade activities. According to recent data, agricultural product volumes moving through the Lwakhakha border from Uganda between July 2021 and June 2022 reached 5.37 million kilograms. Major items included cereals (rice, maize, beans), fruits (bananas, watermelons, avocados), vegetables (tomatoes, yams), and animal feed (rice and wheat bran). At the Loitoktok/Tarakea border between Tanzania and Kenya, goods valued at $39.2 million were cleared in 2022, primarily comprising fruits (oranges, watermelons, pineapples), vegetables (onions, potatoes), legumes (peas, groundnuts), cereals (maize, cowpeas), as well as animal feeds, wood, and LPG gas. Additionally, Tanzania imported $41.2 million worth of goods from Kenya, of which 92% were processed industrial...

Nakonde one stop border infrastructure upgrades start, tipped to slash cargo clearance times

Zambia Government and partners break ground on the $10.5 million Nakonde border upgrade. Nakonde, Zambia, 21 October 2024, The construction of modern facilities at the Nakonde One Stop Border Post (OSBP), an important trade and transit route between Zambia and Tanzania, has officially kicked-off following a groundbreaking ceremony led by the Government of Zambia in partnership with TradeMark Africa (TMA), the British High Commission in Zambia, the contractor and other stakeholders. Funded by the UK Government’s Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) in Zambia through TradeMark Africa, the $10.5 million project will improve the flow of goods and people along the Dar es Salaam Corridor, enhance customs efficiency, and reduce cargo clearance on both sides of the border. The ceremony was presided over by Zambia’s Minister of Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development, Charles Milupi, who underscored the vital role the modern OSBP will play in streamlining customs operations, reducing congestion and improving regional trade. “This project is timely as it will resolve the challenges experienced at this critical border and allow it to operate efficiently as a one-stop-border post. Our infrastructure agenda is anchored on harnessing our land-linked status as a country, through the development of critical trade corridors to ensure that they are serviced by high quality and reliable road, rail and border infrastructure. Our country is at the heart of the Southern and Eastern African region, with a combined population of 633 million people, which is a big market for Zambian products and services,” he said. The OSBP improvement...

L’ancien Premier ministre éthiopien S.E. Hailemariam Desalegn Boshe présidera le conseil d’administration de TradeMark Africa

Nairobi, Kenya, 06 septembre 2024 : TradeMark Africa (TMA) annonce la nomination de S.E. Hailemariam Desalegn Boshe, ancien Premier ministre de l'Éthiopie, en sa qualité de nouveau président du conseil d'administration. S.E. Desalegn succède à l'Ambassadeur Erastus Mwencha, qui vient de conclure son mandat,  et rejoint TMA à un moment où l'organisation s'est fixé des objectifs ambitieux, notamment stimuler les exportations africaines, soutenir la mise en œuvre de la Zone de libre-échange continentale africaine (AfCFTA) et étendre sa portée opérationnelle de l'Afrique orientale à l'Afrique occidentale et australe, en travaillant en étroite collaboration avec les communautés économiques régionales, les institutions nationales, le secteur privé et les partenaires internationaux. En tant que dirigeant politique de haut niveau ayant une expérience à la fois nationale et continentale, l'expertise et l'expérience de S.E. Desalegn seront essentielles pour guider TMA tout au long de sa nouvelle stratégie de sept ans. La stratégie 2023-2030 se concentre sur la poursuite de la réduction du temps et du coût du transport des marchandises à travers les frontières et sur l'amélioration de l'accès au marché pour les PME en améliorant la valeur et la qualité des marchandises échangées, tout en relevant les défis liés au commerce de l'avenir pour le continent. Il s'agit notamment de faire de l'Afrique un pionnier mondial du commerce vert, de tirer parti des capitaux commerciaux pour multiplier les investissements dans les infrastructures commerciales et de veiller à ce que les bénéfices du commerce profitent aux plus pauvres, en particulier aux femmes et aux...

Tanzania Boosts Investment and Growth with Launch of Strategic Business Environment Reports

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 13 September 2024: The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania, through the President’s Office, Planning, and Investment, in partnership with TradeMark Africa (TMA), has launched an initiative to accelerate investment, foster development, and improve the management of investment tools in Tanzania. As part of this initiative the launch of three trade development Reports: The National Investment Report 2023, the Guideline for Development and Management of Industrial Parks and Baseline Report. Together, these reports aim to transform Tanzania's SEZ landscape and attract both domestic and foreign investment, driving the country's industrial growth. Fully supported by TMA, with funding from Ireland, UK International Development, and Norway, these reports provide an in-depth analysis of Tanzania’s SEZ operations, investment climate, and policy frameworks. The reports present a strategic roadmap to improve efficiency and competitiveness, positioning Tanzania a key player in regional and global economic transformation. The National Investment Report offers a comprehensive evaluation of Tanzania’s investment landscape, providing insights into both domestic and foreign investments. It assesses the policies, laws, and strategies shaping the business environment, while also outlining the necessary measures to attract greater investment, including infrastructure improvements, regulatory streamlining, and enhanced incentives. The report further examines global investment trends, prospects for foreign direct investment, and the impact of macroeconomic factors on Tanzania's economic potential.   Speaking at the launch, Honourable Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa stated, “The reports and tools being launched today will empower the nation to attract more investments, create job opportunities, and drive overall economic...

Former Ethiopia Prime Minister H.E. Hailemariam Desalegn Boshe to Chair TradeMark Africa’s Board

Nairobi, Kenya, 05 September 2024: TradeMark Africa (TMA) announces the appointment of H.E. Hailemariam Desalegn Boshe, former Prime Minister of Ethiopia, as its new Board Chair. H.E. Desalegn is succeeding Ambassador Erastus Mwencha, who has concluded his term, and joins TMA at a time when the organisation has set its sights on ambitious goals including boosting African exports, supporting implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), and expanding its operational reach from Eastern to West and Southern Africa, working closely with Regional Economic Communities, national institutions, the private sector and international partners. As a senior political leader with experience on both national and continental stages, H.E. Desalegn’s expertise and experience will be central to guiding TMA through its new seven-year strategy. The 2023-2030 strategy focuses on continuing to reduce the time and cost of transporting goods across borders and improving market access for SMEs by improving the value and quality of traded goods, while addressing the trade-related challenges of the future for the continent. This includes positioning Africa as a global pioneer in green trade, leveraging commercial capital for greater multiples of investment in trade infrastructure, and ensuring that trade benefits accrue to the poorest, in particular women and youth.   H.E Desalegn’s tenure as Prime Minister of Ethiopia from 2012 to 2018 was marked by a visionary approach to economic and diplomatic engagements, under which Ethiopia saw sustained double-digit economic growth.  His experience in fostering trade agreements and promoting economic integration during his tenure as Chair of...

Ireland Commits €2.4 Million through TradeMark Africa to Enhance Trade and Economic Growth in Tanzania

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 28 August 2024: In a significant step towards enhancing Tanzania's trade infrastructure and economic competitiveness, the Government of Ireland, through its Embassy in Tanzania, has committed €2.4 million (TZS7.26billion) to support TradeMark Africa (TMA)’s programming initiatives aimed at strengthening trade and economic growth in Tanzania for the 2024/25 to 2025/26.  The funding was formalised through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) by Ireland’s Ambassador to Tanzania, Ms Nicola Brennan, and TMA’s Country Director Tanzania, Mr Elibariki Shammy, marking a significant moment in the partnership between Ireland and TMA. The three-year agreement is designed to drive substantial improvements in Tanzania’s trade infrastructure, reduce trade barriers, and enhance business competitiveness. This funding will also be instrumental in advancing digital systems, improving market access, fostering inclusivity, particularly for women traders transitioning from informal to formal trade routes and greening trade - a new priority area to promote more sustainable trade and transport corridors through integrating climate action. At the signing ceremony, Ambassador Brennan expressed her optimism about the partnership's impact, stating, "Ireland is proud to partner with TradeMark Africa in this crucial initiative. By improving trade infrastructure and reducing barriers to trade, we can make a significant contribution to Tanzania's economic growth and the prosperity of its people. This funding reflects our shared commitment to fostering sustainable development and economic opportunities in Africa, while also strengthening the economic ties between our two nations.” The TMA Tanzania Country Programme aligns with TMA’s broader strategic objectives, addressing critical challenges...

Governo de Moçambique e TradeMark Africa lançam sensibilização e formação sobre Sistema de Emissão de Licenças e Certificados Fitossanitários

Maputo, 13 de Agosto de 2024: O Governo de Moçambique, através do Ministério da Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural (MADER), em parceria com a TradeMark Africa (TMA), iniciou formações de sensibilização e workshops de revisão do Sistema de Emissão de Licenças e Certificados Fitossanitários para técnicos de sanidade vegetal, funcionários do estado, importadores e exportadores envolvidos no processo de importação e exportação de vegetais, produtos e subprodutos vegetais, para posterior implementação da plataforma do sistema digitalizado. Esta plataforma foi concebida para reduzir significativamente o tempo e o custo do processamento de Licenças e Certificados Fitossanitarios. O workshop é realizado pela Direcção Nacional de Sanidade Agropecuária e Biossegurança (DNSAB) no MADER, responsável pelo processamento da certificação fitossanitária, em parceria com a TradeMark Africa, uma entidade sem fins lucrativos que apoia os países da África Oriental e Austral, na facilitação do comércio através da redução das barreiras não tarifarias ao comércio pelo fortalecimento das instituições que lidam com as matérias sanitárias e fitossanitárias. Actualmente, a aplicação, o processamento e a emissão dos certificados fitossanitários são feitos manualmente. O processo envolve o preenchimento e envio de formulários físicos para pedidos de inspecção, amostragem e testes. Os inspectores fitossanitários ao nível das províncias recolhem então amostras de plantas ou materiais vegetais para análise laboratorial para casos que se julga necessário, sendo os resultados registados em formulários físicos que são submetidos aos inspectores fitossanitários na DNSAB para revisão e aprovação. Este processo é moroso, dispendioso e sujeito a erros ou lapsos administrativos.  “Os utentes que se...

Mozambique government and TradeMark Africa roll-out training on Phytosanitary Licenses and Certificates Issuance System

Maputo, 13 August 2024: The Government of Mozambique, through the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADER), in partnership with TradeMark Africa (TMA), has commenced sensitisation trainings and Phytosanitary Licenses and Certificates Issuance System review workshop for plant health technicians, government staff, importers, and exporters involved in the process of importing and exporting vegetables, plant products and sub-products, for subsequent implementation of the digitalized system platform. This platform was designed to significantly reduce the time and cost of processing Phytosanitary Licenses and Certificates. The workshop is carried out by the National Directorate of Agricultural Health and Biosafety (DNSAB) at MADER, responsible for processing phytosanitary certification, in partnership with TradeMark Africa, a non-profit entity that supports countries in Africa to reduce the time and cost of trade through various trade facilitation initiatives. Currently, the application processing and issuance of phytosanitary certificates are done manually. The process involves filling out and submitting physical forms for inspection, sampling and testing requests. Provincial-level phytosanitary inspectors then collect samples of plants or plant materials for laboratory analysis if required, and the results are recorded on physical forms that are submitted to phytosanitary inspectors at the DNSAB for review and approval. This process is time-consuming, expensive and subject to errors or administrative lapses. “Applicants physically visiting one or many of the Authority’s certification offices in Maputo or at other stations across the country means that a lot of productive time is wasted on mundane tasks. This is not tenable if we are to improve the time...

TradeMark Africa et le gouvernement rwandais s’apprêtent à accueillir un forum sur le développement du commerce à Kigali. Propulser les initiatives panafricaines de commerce numérique dans une nouvelle ère

Kigali, le 9 Août 2024: Le gouvernement du Rwanda et TradeMark Africa (TMA) accueilleront conjointement le Forum sur le développement du commerce, qui réunira des chefs d'État et des responsables gouvernementaux, des partenaires de développement, des universitaires, des organisations multilatérales et le secteur privé de 14 pays de mise en œuvre de TMA et autres. Sous le thème "Commerce numérique", ce forum de deux jours aura lieu à Kigali, au Rwanda, du 2 décembre au 3 décembre 2024. Les éditions précédentes ont eu lieu au Kenya en 2011, 2012, 2014 et 2019, et en Ouganda en 2018. Le forum de cette année mettra l'accent sur les pratiques et technologies commerciales numériques innovantes, notamment l'interopérabilité des paiements numériques, l'utilisation de la technologie des registres distribués (DLT) et de l'intelligence artificielle dans les processus commerciaux, et la façon dont l'automatisation peut soutenir les initiatives de commerce vert. Les discussions porteront sur l'exploitation de la technologie pour rationaliser la facilitation du commerce et améliorer les cadres politiques à travers l'Afrique. Les sessions exploreront la convergence des avancées numériques avec les initiatives de commerce vert. David Beer, directeur général de TradeMark Africa, a fait part de son enthousiasme à l'égard du forum : "La prospérité économique de l'Afrique est notre affaire. TradeMark est entièrement motivé par la production de résultats pratiques visant à supprimer les barrières commerciales et à stimuler les exportations à l'intérieur et à partir de l'Afrique. Bien que nous ayons constaté de sérieux progrès grâce à une série d'interventions de facilitation...

TradeMark Africa and Rwanda Government Set to Host Landmark Trade Development Forum in Kigali Propelling Pan-African Digital Trade Initiatives into a New Era

Kigali, 9 August 2024: The Government of Rwanda and TradeMark Africa (TMA) will co-host the Trade Development Forum, bringing together Heads of State and Government Officials, Development Partners, Academicians, Multilateral Organisations and Private Sector from 14 TMA countries of implementation and beyond. Under the theme “Digital Trade”, this 2-day forum will take place in Kigali, Rwanda; from 2 December to 3 December 2024. The previous editions were held in Kenya in 2011, 2012, 2014, and 2019, and in Uganda in 2018. This year’s forum will spotlight innovative digital trade practices and technologies including the interoperability of digital payments, the use of distributed ledger technology (DLT) and Artificial Intelligence in trade processes, and how automation can support green trade initiatives. Discussions will address leveraging technology to streamline trade facilitation and enhance policy frameworks across Africa. Sessions will explore the convergence of digital advancements with green trade initiatives. David Beer, CEO of TradeMark Africa, expressed his enthusiasm about the forum, stating: "Africa’s economic prosperity is our business. TradeMark is driven entirely by generating practical results to remove trade barriers and drive-up exports within and from Africa. While we have seen serious progress from a range of trade facilitation interventions in the last decade, such as reduced transport times by about a third across the Northern Corridor in East Africa, there is another big step forward to take. The 2024 forum will focus on propagating digitisation successes more widely and introducing cutting-edge technologies. We look forward to sharing lessons and presenting innovative ideas...