Search Results for: poverty

March 19, 2015

AFDB to finance Chinsali-Nakonde road construction

THE African Development Bank (AfDB) will finance the construction of the Chinsali-Nakonde Road at the cost of US$250 million. AfDB officer-in-charge for Zambia, Philip Boahen said the Bank would provide the resources for the rehabilitation of the 210 kilometre Road at the cost of $250 million. The project forms a section of the Trans-Africa Highway/North-South […]

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March 17, 2015

Fresh hitch holds up free trade area

Lusaka- The planned launch of the Grand Tripartite Free Trade Area (TFTA) by three African Regional Economic Communities earmarked for Egypt by the middle of this year may be delayed after it emerged that stakeholders involved in discussions have reached a deadlock on various phsytosanitary and other trade related issues mainly affecting land locked countries. […]

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March 9, 2015

Regional integration key to Kenya’s food security

The State of Food Insecurity (Sofi) 2014 report stated that the World Food Summit goal of halving the number of undernourished people by 2015 cannot be met. What does that mean for Kenya and East Africa as a whole? Currently, statistics show that the number of undernourished people in the world is falling by an […]

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March 9, 2015

Falling oil prices not entirely bad for UGanda

Although the tumbling global oil prices will slow down investment in Uganda’s petroleum sector and delay further the expected flow of petrodollars, experts say the price crash presents Kampala with a rare opportunity to put its house in order if the country is to avoid the oil curse. “To sustain growth and poverty reduction, Uganda’s […]

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March 6, 2015


In order for Africa to compete in a developing global bio-economy, the continent must embrace agricultural innovations. This was highlighted during a two-day forum recently held in Nairobi organised by the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) and the German government. “One of the key ingredients to growth in the agriculture sector is attributable […]

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February 25, 2015

Gujarat Business People Delegation Targets EAC Bloc in Next Three Years

A DELEGATION of Indian business people from the state of Gujarat is in the country seeking trade and investment opportunities. The delegation of over 20 chief executive officers, managing directors, proprietors of companies and Federation of Gujarat Industries (FGI) is in the country mainly to boost bilateral trade between East African Community (EAC) and their […]

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February 23, 2015

Delivering development: Better logistics critical for Africa’s growth

Three little boys in Kigali are sharing a lollipop. They lick it in turns. The lollipop is imported, so 45 per cent of its cost is due to transport and allied costs. It may have been made in Kenya or Tanzania or even farther afield, and it has travelled thousands of kilometres and crossed several […]

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February 18, 2015

Trading Out of Poverty in East Africa – Making it Happen

The Saana Institute partnered with the Trade Out of Poverty All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) to organise a seminar on trade, development and poverty reduction in East Africa on the 11th of February at the House of Commons. The event featured Frank Matsaert, Chief Executive Office of TradeMark Africa (TMA), Patrick Obath, Board Director for […]

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February 12, 2015

TradeMark Africa receives US5mn grant to upgrade road in Kenya

The UK has agreed to provide a US$5mn grant to TradeMark Africa for the construction of proper roads between Kenya’s Moi International Airport and Mombasa Port The funds will be used to upgrade the Port Reitz or airport road into a dual carriageway, which would ease movement of cargo and people to and from the […]

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February 9, 2015

$30 m set for Kenya airport access road

NAIROBI, Kenya – Logistics Consultancy firm, TradeMark Africa (TMA), has come up with $20 million to add to the government’s $10 million contribution for improving vital transport infrastructure in Mombasa County writes JOHN SAMBO. On the list is included the improvement of the existing Port Reitz and Moi International Airport access roads. The Transport Cabinet […]

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