Search Results for: poverty

April 22, 2021

East African women traders: ‘Celebrating the past, planning for the future’

COVID-19 has hit women disproportionately hard across East Africa, especially those working in the informal sector. Lessons must be learnt to prevent this from happening again. Women in East Africa can look back over recent history with a sense of struggle and accomplishment, of regression and progression. Women’s activism was ingrained in many of the […]

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April 8, 2021

Making Trade Green in Kenya & Beyond

Trade and economic growth impact the environment and societies involved either positively through increased incomes, livelihood, and capacity for improved environmental management or negatively through increased industrial pollution and degradation of the environment and natural resources. At the same time environmental hazards and climate change could negatively impact trade by disrupting supply, transport, and distribution […]

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April 26, 2024

Strong calls for innovative financing, reform of international financial system to achieve SDG in Africa

IN a strong call to stakeholders at the opening of the tenth Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development, ARFSD-10, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Amina Mohammed, UN Deputy Secretary-General said urgent action is needed to increase capital flows into developing countries, particularly in Africa to make the SDGs stimulus a reality. She also urged the international […]

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January 26, 2021

TradeMark East Africa to Build Capacity for 2,000 Women Entrepreneurs and Informal Cross Border Traders in South Sudan

NIMULE: TradeMark East Africa and the Government of South Sudan have today launched a capacity building program that will benefit 2,000 women entrepreneurs and informal women cross border traders. The launch event was held in Nimule boarder town and had representation from senior officials from both the Ministry of Trade& Industry, TradeMark East Africa, Sudan […]

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January 26, 2021

TradeMark Africa to Build Capacity for 2,000 Women Entrepreneurs and Informal Cross Border Traders in South Sudan

NIMULE: TradeMark Africa and the Government of South Sudan have today launched a capacity building program that will benefit 2,000 women entrepreneurs and informal women cross border traders. The launch event was held in Nimule boarder town and had representation from senior officials from both the Ministry of Trade& Industry, TradeMark Africa, Sudan Women Entrepreneurs […]

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February 13, 2017

A mixed approach facilitates cross border trade leading to increased revenue, incomes and improved livelihoods

Allen Twinomugisha, a mother of 7, trades at the Uganda/Rwanda Border at Mirama Hills. She crosses from Uganda to the Rwanda town of Kayonza to sell bananas and other agricultural produce at-least 4 times a day. She makes a profit of UGX10, 000 per day (US$61 per month). Judging from the busy transporters on bicycles, […]

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April 19, 2024

High flight ticket taxes and fees slowing air transport in Africa

Taxes and fees charged on African air tickets are higher than what airlines in other continents charge and are inhibiting air transport on the continent. According to the African Airlines Association (Afraa), a leading trade association of airlines based in Ghana that researches aviation, the average amount paid in taxes and fees by passengers in […]

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October 26, 2020

Elimination of Non-Tariff Barriers in East Africa

This brief summarises and sets in context the results of the UK Department for International Development – DFID (now part of Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office – FCDO). Commissioned independent evaluation of TradeMark Africa (TMA) programmes, which includes support to the removal of Non-Tariff Barriers. With a focus on the East African Community (EAC) states […]

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April 19, 2016

Green Business: KPA Gears up for a Green Port Policy

Environmental degradation is bad for trade and business growth especially when it directly affects the health and productivity of workers and neighbouring communities. The Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) with technical and financial assistance from TradeMark Africa (TMA) has initiated an elaborate Green Port Policy that will transform the port of Mombasa into a premier port […]

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April 11, 2024

Plan unveiled to propel Tanzanian grain sector

TANZANIA: THE Eastern Africa Grain Council (EAGC), in collaboration with TradeMark Africa (TMA), unveiled a three-year pioneering plan yesterday to propel the Tanzanian grain sector towards global export competitiveness. The initiative project, dubbed ‘Strengthening Competitiveness in ExportOriented Staple Food Value Chains in East Africa,’ is funded by the USAID-Economic Recovery and Reform Activity (USAID-ERRA) through […]

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