Search Results for: ports

January 22, 2019

Who we are

Who we are About Us Mission & Vision Core Values Our Theory of Change Who We Are TradeMark Africa (TMA), formerly TradeMark East Africa, is an Aid-for-Trade organisation that was established in 2010, with the aim of growing prosperity through increased trade. TMA operates on a not-for-profit basis and is funded by: Belgium, the Bill [...]

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March 14, 2019


Tanzania Annual Report 2020/21 DOWNLOAD REPORT TMA in Tanzania. TMA in Tanzania. TMA in Tanzania. setREVStartSize({c: 'rev_slider_34_1',rl:[1240,1024,768,576],el:[643,642,500,400],gw:[1240,1024,778,480],gh:[643,643,500,400],type:'standard',justify:'',layout:'fullwidth',mh:"0"}); Overview Strategy 2 Results Framework Projects Evaluated Projects Impact Stories Impact Stories Contact Population (Millions) 59.73 2020 GDP (Billion) $62.41 2020 GDP Growth 2.0 % 2020 Inflation 3.3% 2020 country brief Tanzania Country Context & Overview. Over the [...]

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November 8, 2023

Trade and Investment Environment

TRADE AND INVESTMENT ENVIRONMENT Africa rising The creation of the AfCFTA and revitalisation of RECs provide a major opportunity to boost intra-African trade and drive the structural transformation of trade in the continent, through enhanced integration of trade policy, and the reduction of Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs) to trade. A multi-level approach TMA will take a […]

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May 9, 2019

DR Congo Impact Stories

30% Reduction in time for trucks crossing select borders. 10% Increase in value of exports from EAC region. 25% Increase in intra-regional exports compared with total exports from the region. 15% Reduction in average time to import/export a container from Mombasa or Dar to Burundi or Rwanda. Filter Our Impact Stories Across the region. CategoryEnhanced [...]

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November 8, 2023

Quality and Value of Traded Goods

QUALITY AND VALUE OF TRADED GOODS Raising the standard Standards have become the lingua franca of world trade, as they convey consistent and understandable information to the buyer– a common technical language for trading partners. Increasing harmonisation between countries’ frameworks significantly enhances the efficient flow of trade. At the same time, global off-takers, particularly in […]

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November 7, 2019

Trade Logistics Information Pipeline (TLIP)

setREVStartSize({c: 'rev_slider_171_2',rl:[1240,1024,768,576],el:[643,642,500,400],gw:[1240,1024,778,480],gh:[643,643,500,400],type:'standard',justify:'',layout:'fullwidth',mh:"0"}); Why this project? What How Contact Desired Results Project Insights Impact stories project briefTrade Logistics Information Pipeline (TLIP) ImplementorRevenue Authorities, Partner Government Agencies & IOTA Target GroupExporters, Clearing and Forwarding agencies, Government agencies involved in export, Importers in the destination market, transporters Project ValueEst. $4,000,000 Implementation Period2019 – 2020 Visit TLIP Website Why [...]

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November 8, 2023

Physical Connectivity

PHYSICAL CONNECTIVITY Trade Catalyst Africa (TCA) Many of the early gains in TMA’s trade facilitation portfolio came from investments in physical infrastructure, not least the reductions in dwelltimes at Mombasa port from 21 to four days in the decade to 2021, as well as significant reductions in border crossing times. However, the resources available for […]

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May 9, 2019

Kenya Impact Stories

30% Reduction in time for trucks crossing select borders. 10% Increase in value of exports from EAC region. 25% Increase in intra-regional exports compared with total exports from the region. 15% Reduction in average time to import/export a container from Mombasa or Dar to Burundi or Rwanda. Filter Our Impact Stories Across the region. CategoryEnhanced [...]

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May 24, 2019

Standards and SPS

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October 1, 2019


Why this project? What How Contact Desired Results Project Insights Impact stories project briefIndustrialization ImplementorEAC Secretariat Target GroupEast African Region Project ValueUS$ 700,000 Implementation PeriodJul 1, 2017 to Jun 30, 2021 Download Project PDF Why this project?The EAC Region is endowed with vast natural resources which, however, remain untapped due to a combination of factors. [...]

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