Search Results for: ports

May 17, 2022


Overview Strategy 2 Results Framework Projects Evaluated Projects Impact Stories Impact Stories Contact Population (Thousands) 988.002 2020 GDP (Billions) $3.38 2020 GDP Growth 0.5 % 2020 Inflation 1.8% 2020 Overview Strategy 2 Results Framework Projects Evaluated Projects Impact Stories Impact Stories Contact country brief Djibouiti Country Context & Overview. The Republic of Djibouti is a [...]

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March 14, 2019


Rwanda Annual Report 2020/21 DOWNLOAD REPORT Rwanda Annual Report 2018 - 2019 DOWNLOAD REPORT TMA in Rwanda. TMA in Rwanda. TMA in Rwanda. TMA in Rwanda. setREVStartSize({c: 'rev_slider_32_1',rl:[1240,1024,768,576],el:[642.986,642,500,400],gw:[1240,1024,778,480],gh:[643,643,500,400],type:'standard',justify:'',layout:'fullwidth',mh:"0"}); Overview Strategy 2 Results Framework Projects Evaluated Projects Impact Stories Impact Stories Contact Population (Millions) 12.95 2020 GDP (Billion) $10.33 2020 GDP Growth -3.4% 2020 Inflation -0.4% [...]

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May 21, 2019

Reducing Barriers to Trade to Trade

    Reducing Barriers to Trade to Trade Barriers to trade in Eastern Africa significantly raise trade costs for firms, eroding the competitiveness of the region’s goods and services, inhibiting exports and ultimately stifling prosperity. High internal or regional trade costs present a major obstacle to firms’ ability to connect to global value chains, effectively [...]

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August 24, 2020

Leaving a Mark Through Trade: Impact Stories Compendium Volume 5

TMA’s theory of change recognises that barriers to trade raise the costs of doing business, thus reducing demand for imports and exports within the region, and between the region and the world. Targeted interventions in selected key areas of trade can reduce these costs.

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April 14, 2021

Zambia Results

25% Increase in exports in targeted sub-sectors above trend. 10% Reduction in Trade Costs in the East Africa Trade Network (EATN). $170M Additional funds catalysed cumulatively due to TMA Investments in Trade Logistics Clusters. 15% Time reduction in average trip in the East Africa Trade Network (EATN). Filter Our Impact Stories Across the region. ALLaAnnual [...]

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July 25, 2019

Abhishek Sharma

In his role as Senior Director, Transport, Abhishek supports regional integration and trade competitiveness in East Africa by helping infrastructure agencies prepare and finance key transport and logistics facilities. Abhishek has over 18 years of experience and in this time he has worked on the entire value chain of infrastructure development, from strategy to implementation […]

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September 24, 2020

Malawi Results

Filter Our Impact Stories Across the region. ALLaAnnual ReportEnhanced Trade EnvironmentImproved Business CompetitivenessIncreased Physical Access to MarketsPan-African Payment and Settlement System ALLAllBurundiDjiboutiDR CongoEACEthiopiaGhanaKenyaMalawiMalawiMozambiqueRwandaSomalilandSouth SudanTanzaniaUgandaZambia Search result Below is the result based on the above search parameter. Load more results Active Projects Sorry, there are no projects. Completed Projects Sorry, there are no projects.

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May 24, 2019


Overview Strategy 2 Results Framework Projects Evaluated Projects Impact Stories Impact Stories Contact brief Standards Country Context & Overview. Despite gains made in Strategy 1, intra-EAC trade and exports from the EAC to the rest of the world continues to be hampered by challenges to do with standards, technical regulations and challenges in meeting SPS [...]

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May 17, 2022

Corridor Management and Coordination‐5704

Why this project? What How Contact Desired Results Project Insights Impact stories project briefCorridor Management and Coordination‐5704 ImplementorMinistry of Transport and Equipment Target GroupCustoms Officers, Officers from other Regulatory Agencies at borders and ports Project ValueUS$1, 400,000 Implementation PeriodJan 2022- Dec 2025 Download Project PDF Why this project?The Djibouti Corridor is a major trade gateway [...]

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April 14, 2021

Zambia Impact Stories

30% Reduction in time for trucks crossing select borders. 10% Increase in value of exports from EAC region. 25% Increase in intra-regional exports compared with total exports from the region. 15% Reduction in average time to import/export a container from Mombasa or Dar to Burundi or Rwanda. Filter Our Impact Stories Across the region. CategoryEnhanced [...]

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