Search Results for: common-market

May 29, 2019

AfCFTA : The largest free trade deal in nearly a quarter-century seeks to make Africa a single market

The U.S. ditched the Trans-Pacific Partnership, while across the Atlantic, the U.K. is trying to extract itself from the European Union and its single market. But while free trade is under threat in much of the world, African countries are heading in the other direction: the continent is on track to create the largest free trade agreement by population […]

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March 28, 2019

Africa’s common market is close to opening, but not quite there yet

Seven years in the making, the Continental Free Trade Area is almost established. A minimum of 22 states is needed to bring the trade bloc into force; only 21 African states have so far ratified the agreement. Nigeria, the continent’s largest economy, is still considering whether to join the club. The idea of an African […]

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April 30, 2018

Common Market rules in East Africa still an issue

Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda are still squabbling over the implementation of the Common Market provisions, despite officials saying a lot of ground has been covered in resolving the issues. This came as Kenyan sugar-based products were denied preferential access to Uganda and Tanzania over the application of the Rules of Origin. For the fourth consecutive […]

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April 28, 2017

Budgeting for the EAC Common Market

In her 2010/11 Financial Year budget speech, Finance Minister Syda Bbumba said she envisages that the East African Community (EAC) Common Market which comes into force on July 1 will “stimulate greater productive efficiency, higher levels of domestic and foreign investment, increased employment, and growth of intra-regional trade and of extra-regional trade.” Kenya’s Finance Minister, […]

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March 7, 2017

Why common market is key for industrialisation

Dar es Salaam. The World Bank Group says it will support Tanzania’s industrialisation by focusing on deepening the EAC Common Market which is crucial in expanding the market for the manufactured goods. Steven Dimitriyev, World Bank Lead Private Sector Specialist for Tanzania said last week that if well utilised the East African Common Market can […]

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November 1, 2016

EAC common market scorecard launched

The East Africa Community member states failure to fully comply with the Common Market Protocol is hindering trade liberalisation in the region, a report shows. However, EAC deputy secretary general for finance and administration, Jesca Eriyo, said reforms undertaken since 2014 have reduced the number of non-conforming measures to 59 in 2016, down from 63 […]

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October 31, 2016

EAC yet to fully implement common market protocols

A new report by the EAC secretariat shows that the East African partner states are still lagging behind in the process of implementing the Common Market Protocol. TEA GRAPHIC |   NATIONA MEDIA GROUP IN SUMMARY This was blamed on failure by individual states to lift legal barriers like recognition of business certificates from each […]

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October 31, 2016

EAC yet to fully implement common market protocols

IN SUMMARY This was blamed on failure by individual states to lift legal barriers like recognition of business certificates from each other and double taxation. The protocol was signed on November 20, 2009 and came into force on July 1, 2010. Efforts to freely offer cross-border services were slowed down by at least 63 non-conforming […]

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February 25, 2015

Tanzania’s EAC Common Market Protocol to make history on the African continent

“While implementation of the EAC Common Market Protocol which would pave way for a monetary union and make history on the African continent, the Common Market Protocol is still lagging,” stated the Tanzanian Head of State. President Kikwete made the statement in his acceptance speech after taking over the chairmanship of the East African Heads […]

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February 16, 2015

Call to fully enable common market protocol

EMPLOYERS and the trade union fraternity in Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi and Tanzania want the Arusha-based East African Community (EAC) to speedily and fully implement the Common Market Protocol. The East African Trade Union Confederation (EATUC) and the East African Employers Association (EAEO) are taking the issue a notch higher by calling for the removal […]

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