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Taveta (KE) • 2017-06-13
US$ 4,915,302 – Taveta.
Kenya Revenue Authority
The Taveta/Holili border crossing point between Southern Kenya and Northern Tanzania is located about 264 km SouthEast of Mombasa and 110 km West of Arusha. The Kenyan side of the border is in Taita-Taveta County, while the Tanzanian side is in Himo Town, Rombo District, Kilimanjaro Region. Taveta is one of the key border crossing points between the two countries due to the border’s proximity to major cities
Desired Results
Improved physical border infrastructure will offer an alternative transportation route to northern Tanzania from Kenya and reduce the time that it takes to transport goods to and from Mombasa. This will contribute to reducing trade costs in Africa.
To transport goods to Arusha and surrounds in northern Tanzania, vehicles currently must pass through the Namanga border. This route is considerably longer than the Taveta/Holili route. Operationalising the Taveta/Holili border is expected to increase with the construction of a new Voi-Arusha road passing through the two border points, stretching the capacity of the current infrastructure and operations and increase waiting time for import and export processing. Increased delays create costs for traders.
- Manager, Taveta Border Post, Kenya Revenue Authority: +254 20 2649524
- State Department of African Affairs, Kenya: +254 20 2245741 / 2211614
- EAC Secretariat, Arusha, Tanzania: +255 27 2162100