News Categories: The Horn of Africa News

ECOWAS concludes review of interim Abidjan-Lagos Corridor Highway project

The ECOWAS Commission has concluded a three-day technical review of a draft Interim report for the Trade and Transport Facilitation Study of the Abidjan-Lagos Corridor Highway Development Project and advised the consultants to incorporate all recommendations and resubmit for further evaluation and subsequent validation. The three (3)- day review workshop which brought together representatives of Member States from various sectors including Roads and Highways, Immigration, Free Movement, Customs, Trade and other international stakeholder institutions and Development partners who are interested in free movement of goods, services, persons and transport, aims to agree on a framework that will guide the movement of trade, persons, vehicles and services along the new Abidjan-Lagos Corridor Highway without creating unjustified impediments. Consultants commissioned by the ECOWAS Commission to undertake the trade and transport facilitation study on the corridor presented their interim report, highlighting some current situations on the corridor that are hampering trade and transport facilitation on the Abidjan-Lagos corridor and made some recommendations on how to ensure that such is drastically reduced or entirely eliminated upon the construction of the Corridor Highway. Acting Director of Transport for ECOWAS, Mr. Chris Appiah, said “When the Heads of States signed the agreement, they put in place a technical committee, so the people gathered here are made up of project directors from all five (5) Corridor Member Countries and colleagues from Trade, Customs, immigration, and free movement directorates of ECOWAS as well as other Development Partners to make sure that all the recommendations the consultant will be...

TAHA rolls out scheme to boost horticultural exports to UK

TANZANIA: IN a groundbreaking move set to transform Tanzania’s horticultural landscape, a leading industry player has rolled out a strategic initiative that will boost crops’ exports to the United Kingdom. This is aimed at further pumping a great amount of foreign currency into the economy, especially by positioning the horticultural exporters at a level, where their business will flourish. In implementation, Tanzania Horticultural Association (TAHA) in partnership with the Tanzania High Commission in the UK, with support from Trademark Africa (TMA) has launched the initiative dubbed, “Horticulture Exports Accelerator Programme.” Making the revelation during the launch in Dar es Salaam over the weekend, TAHA Chief Executive Officer, Dr Jacqueline Mkindi further said the premier exports is strategically crafted to assist both emerging and established businesses in the business. She added that it will ensure adherence to international standards while facilitating seamless market access to the UK and Europe at large. “This ambitious initiative is geared to not only complement the government’s efforts in acquiring foreign currency, but it will significantly boost the horticultural exports to roomy UK market” said Dr Mkindi. It is understood, the programme is part of TAHA’s scheme to reinforce the government’s campaign of stimulating horticultural exports to be able to fetch significant foreign currency to the economy. In March 17, 2023, President Samia Suluhu Hassan appointed Dr Mkindi as among the members of the Presidential Food and Agriculture Delivery Council (PFADC), where among others, she was tasked to spur horticultural exports to boost the country foreign currency...

Restoring Economic Growth – Connecting African Countries And Optimising The AfCFTA

The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) represents a landmark achievement in the pursuit of economic integration across Africa. As the continent navigates the path to restoring economic growth, connecting African countries and optimizing the AfCFTA are crucial steps toward realizing the full potential of this ambitious trade agreement. Economic Integration for Sustainable Growth The AfCFTA aims to create a single continental market for goods and services, facilitating the free movement of businesspersons and investments. By reducing tariffs and non-tariff barriers, the AfCFTA is poised to significantly boost intra-African trade, which currently accounts for a small percentage of the continent’s total trade volume. This integration will not only enhance economic resilience but also foster sustainable growth by tapping into Africa’s vast market of over 1.3 billion people. Strengthening Connectivity To maximise the benefits of the AfCFTA, improving infrastructure and connectivity between African countries is imperative. Investment in transportation networks, digital infrastructure, and energy projects will enable smoother trade flows and more efficient supply chains. Enhanced connectivity will also promote regional value chains, allowing African businesses to compete more effectively on the global stage. Opportunities for Businesses and Entrepreneurs The AfCFTA opens up new opportunities for businesses and entrepreneurs across the continent. By creating a more competitive and diversified economic environment, the agreement encourages innovation and industrialisation. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) stand to benefit greatly, gaining access to new markets and resources that were previously out of reach. Policy Harmonisation and Capacity Building Harmonising trade policies and regulations among African...

Tanzania: Single Window System for Businesses Kicks Off

AR ES SALAAM: THE Zanzibar Trade and Industrial Development Minister, Omar Said Shaaban, announced on Monday the implementation of a single window system designed to streamline services for businesspeople. Speaking at the open ng of the 48th Dar es Salaam International Trade Fair (DITF), Mr. Shaaban highlighted that 30 out of 60 government institutions have already registered into the system, which officially commenced in the 2024/2025 financial year. "The system will reduce the chain of procedures that previously delayed business operations. Decision-making institutions have already integrated into the system," Mr. Shaaban explained. "The system will help to reduce the chain of procedures that were delaying the business. The decision making institutions have already been incorporated into the system," said Mr Shaaban. He added: "the establishment of the single window system will stimulate investment activities and boost business growth in the country," Mr Shaaban said the ministers will continue to manage all highlighted priorities to ensure positive results for the future. He said both ministries of Trade and Industry from Zanzibar and Tanzania Mailand will continue to improve environment of doing business and ttract more investment in the country. According to Mr. Shaaban, the government is encouraging people to utilize all available business opportunities in the regional markets, including the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) agreement, of which Tanzania is a signatory. The Minister stated that eleven Tanzanian companies have successfully sold their products in various African countries through the AfCFTA agreement. "We have AfCFTA beneficiaries here. They are here...

AGOA and AfCFTA: Unlocking Business Potentials between the United States and Africa

United States Trade Representative Katherine Tai will host the 21st U.S.–sub-Saharan Africa Trade and Economic Cooperation Forum (AGOA Forum) in Washington, D.C., from July 24 to 26, purposely to work out further on measures to deepen trade and strengthen economic cooperation. In addition, it will also build on the most diverse areas of cooperation discussed in the previous gathering, particularly pertinent questions within the framework of the single continental market – the AfCFTA which aims at addressing trade barriers, enhance Africa’s global trade position, and promote sustainable socio-economic development. Washington officials have been working on the connectivity between the United States and Africa. “AGOA has been the cornerstone of our economic partnership with sub-Saharan Africa for over twenty years,” said Ambassador Tai.  “This Forum is an opportunity to discuss how we can make the program more effective, to address today’s challenges and deliver real benefits to more people across the continent.  I look forward to welcoming my fellow ministers and guests to Washington.” The theme for July’s AGOA Forum is “Beyond 2025: Reimagining AGOA for an Inclusive, Sustainable and Prosperous Tomorrow.”  Over the course of the event, participants will engage in discussions on how the United States and sub-Saharan African partners can work together to make AGOA more transformative and ensure that the program can be an effective tool to drive inclusive, sustainable economic growth for more people and advance regional integration efforts. The expectation is that the AGOA Forum will bring together the governments of the United States and...

TradeMark Africa signs memorandum of understanding with Côte d’Ivoire’s trade minister to promote intra-African trade

To promote trade in Cote d’Ivoire and in West Africa, Côte d'Ivoire’s Minister of Trade and Industry, Souleymane Diarrassouba, signed a memorandum of understanding with TradeMark Africa (TMA), with sights set on improving trade infrastructure along the strategic corridors of Abidjan-Lagos, Abidjan-Dakar and Abidjan-Ouagadougou. This strategic partnership is geared towards improving trade facilitation in the region and promoting a competitive environment for doing business in Côte d'Ivoire. TMA was represented by Director of Strategy and Partnerships, Anthe Vrijlandt. Minister Diarrassouba noted that the country’s common ambition can be summed up in the economic promotion of the private sector, fostering regional economic integration and enhancing facilitation of intra-African trade, as espoused by the government and our partners such as the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the African Union (AU). He added that the promotion of the digitalisation of trade services and e-commerce, as well as the strengthening of the competitiveness of companies, constitute an important matrix for the memorandum. Convinced that the partnership with TradeMark Africa will open new perspectives for trade in Côte d'Ivoire, the Minister reassured of the Government's commitment to promote effective and dynamic cooperation for the promotion of the national economy with traders. For her part, Ms Vrijlandt noted that the signing of this partnership with is part of the important steps in implementing the AfCFTA, an initiative for the economic integration of Africa. She further noted that an improved trade environment and transport facilitation initiatives have great potential to make it smoother and...

Ambitious EU–Kenya Economic Partnership Agreement enters into force

The EU-Kenya Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) entered into force on 1 July 2024, representing a key milestone in the EU-Kenya Strategic Partnership. The agreement will boost bilateral trade in goods, increase investment flows, strengthen the ties between reliable partners, and facilitate mutually advantageous economic relations in a sustainable manner, stimulating job creation and economic growth. The EU-Kenya EPA is the most ambitious deal negotiated with an African country in terms of sustainability, and can serve as a template for other sustainable trade agreements. These commitments include binding provisions on labour issues, gender equality, environment and the fight against climate change. Kenya is East Africa's main economic hub - and EU-Kenya trade relations have substantial growth potential. The agreement will unlock new economic opportunities, as the EU is Kenya's first export destination and second largest trading partner. Total trade between the EU and Kenya reached €3 billion in 2023 - an increase of 16% compared to 2018. The EPA will also create more opportunities for Kenyan businesses and exporters, as it will fully open the EU market for Kenyan products and incentivise EU investment in Kenya thanks to increased legal certainty and stability. Background The Economic Partnership Agreement between the EU and Kenya was concluded in June 2023 and signed by both parties on 18 December 2023. The agreement aims at implementing the provisions the EU-East African Community (EAC) EPA, and it remains open to other EAC countries. The EPA and its ambitious commitments represent a crucial deliverable of the EU's 2021 Trade Policy Review and its trade policy with Africa,...

Afreximbank soutient une nouvelle société de commerce intra-africain avec un investissement de 1 milliard de dollars

La Banque africaine d'import-export (Afreximbank) dépense 1 milliard de dollars pour financer le lancement d'une initiative destinée à développer le commerce intra-africain et à améliorer l'accès des PME au financement. L'African Trade and Distribution Company (ATDC) est un partenariat entre Afreximbank, Arise Integrated Industrial Platforms (Arise IIP) et le Secrétariat de la Zone de libre-échange continentale africaine (AfCFTA). L'ATDC se concentrera sur l'élargissement de l'accès aux marchés régionaux et mondiaux pour les petits exploitants agricoles et les PME en fournissant des services de financement, d'entreposage, de logistique, de conseil en matière de réglementation et de prospection. Anish Jain, directeur général d'Equitane, la société mère d'Arise, explique à GTR que chaque transaction entreprise par la société sera unique, avec des solutions développées individuellement pour chaque PME. Anish Jain précise que les fonds d'Afreximbank n'ont pas encore été entièrement alloués, mais qu'un montant substantiel devrait être affecté à un fonds renouvelable pour les prêts de financement du commerce. La société prévoit de concentrer dans un premier temps ses opérations sur les entreprises d'Afrique de l'Ouest et d'Afrique centrale, avant de s'étendre au reste du continent. L'ATDC distribuera également des produits transformés et des matières premières provenant des zones industrielles d'Arise, qui sont actuellement actives au Gabon, au Togo et au Bénin. Ces zones visent à améliorer le marché d'exportation de l'Afrique en transformant les matières premières africaines en produits finis, une préoccupation majeure pour les États membres de l'AfCFTA.  Le déficit de financement du commerce en Afrique - mesuré comme la différence...

Augmentation du volume de produits frais de l’Ouganda et de la Tanzanie transitant par Mombasa

Le volume de produits frais en provenance de Tanzanie et d'Ouganda exportés par conteneurs frigorifiques via le port de Mombasa, au Kenya, a augmenté de six pour cent par rapport à l'année dernière. Le port de Mombasa a enregistré 6 813 équivalents 20 pieds (EVP), grâce à l'installation de 1 367 points de branchement pour conteneurs frigorifiques dans ses installations portuaires depuis l'année dernière. Les conteneurs frigorifiques sont des conteneurs réfrigérés. Le programme d'amélioration de l'environnement commercial et des exportations, d'un montant de 380 millions de dollars, mis en œuvre par TradeMark Africa pour encourager la décarbonisation radicale des chaînes de valeur qui fournissent des produits frais, porte ses fruits : de plus en plus de négociants préfèrent la mer à l'air pour le transport des produits frais.  Les consommateurs, en particulier en Europe, ont été en première ligne dans ce mouvement. Actuellement, les autorisations pour les marchandises périssables dans le port de Mombasa se font au point de chargement, et les autorisations sont accordées par le système national de guichet unique électronique géré par KenTrade. Le directeur général de la Kenya Ports Authority (KPA), le capitaine William Ruto, a déclaré que l'agence avait installé 1 367 points d'enfouissement des produits réfrigérés, dont 795 dans le port de Mombasa : 795 au port de Mombasa, 336 à l'Inland Container Depot (ICD) de Nairobi, 216 au port de Lamu et 20 à l'ICD de Naivasha. "Nous avons reçu des produits frais de l'Ouganda, de la Tanzanie et d'autres régions du pays...

L’agence phytosanitaire kényane lance un système de certification numérique pour le matériel végétal afin de réduire les coûts de transaction pour les négociants et de faciliter la sécurité des échanges commerciaux

Nairobi, 25 juin 2024 : Le Service d'inspection phytosanitaire du Kenya (KEPHIS) a officiellement lancé aujourd'hui le Système intégré de certification des exportations et des importations (IEICS), une plateforme numérique innovante conçue pour réduire le temps et les coûts associés à l'obtention de certificats phytosanitaires commerciaux, de licences et de permis pour les plantes et le matériel végétal. Le système a été dévoilé par le président de KEPHIS, Joseph M'eruaki, qui représentait le secrétaire d'État à l'agriculture et au développement de l'élevage, Mithika Linturi. Il a déclaré qu'il s'agissait d'une étape importante pour les négociants en plantes et produits végétaux. En félicitant la KEPHIS pour cette réalisation innovante, il a souligné que le système IEICS était un exemple de la manière dont les organismes publics, avec le soutien de partenaires tels que le Danemark et TradeMark Africa, facilitent les initiatives visant à améliorer l'environnement commercial grâce à l'automatisation des systèmes pour les organismes "Le nouveau système change donc la donne en ce qui concerne la manière dont les négociants qui importent et exportent des plantes ou du matériel végétal peuvent collaborer de manière plus efficace et plus transparente avec KEPHIS et d'autres agences grâce à des modules intégrés. De nobles initiatives comme celle-ci s'inscrivent dans le cadre des efforts déployés par le gouvernement pour améliorer l'environnement des affaires et faire du pays une destination attrayante pour les investisseurs", a déclaré M. M'eruaki. Le directeur général de KEPHIS, le professeur Theophilus M. Mutui, s'est fait l'écho de ces sentiments en déclarant...