Our Projects are
Transforming African Trade
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2nd Floor, Fidelity Insurance Centre Waiyaki Way, Westlands
National Oversight Committees (NOCs) have been established in each of TMA’s country of operation in order to assure ownership and oversight at a national level. A Programme Coordinating Committee (PCC) has also been established with a similar purpose for EAC and regional programmes. These Committees are responsible for quarterly oversight and review of the performance of TMA programmes, and making recommendations to the Board. The Committees are composed of key partner institutions implementing TMA programmes at a national level, as well as private sector and civil society representatives from the relevant country, and representatives of investors. In the case of PCC, the key members are representatives of the institutions and senior staff of the EAC Secretariat. Chairs of the Committees interact with Board members at least twice a year.
In each of the donor states, the Ministries of East African Cooperation (MEAC) typically coordinate regional integration policy making and implementation. TMA provides technical assistance to EAC Ministries in each member state to improve leadership and coordination of regional integration.
TradeMark Africa supports regular high-level dialogue with the EAC, donor states and development donors on the regional trade and integration agenda through stakeholder forums and the Arusha roundtable meetings.
TradeMark Africa supports civil society through grants and the creation of regional dialogue platforms on key issues affecting trade and growth.
TradeMark Africa works with the private sector supporting research and advocacy that will facilitate the ease of doing business in East Africa.