Working With TMA

With an annual expenditure of around US$100 million, TradeMark Africa (TMA) is one of the leading aid-for-trade facilities in the world. TMA has its headquarters in Nairobi, with vibrant and successful operations in EAC – Arusha, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda. The first phase of TMA delivered exceptional results which directly contributed to substantial gains in East Africa’s trade and regional economic integration contributing to reduced transit times, improved border efficiency, and reduced barriers to trade.

TMA is aiming to deliver even more large-scale impact to maximise the potential benefits of aid-for-trade interventions which lead to sustainable and inclusive prosperity through job creation, poverty reduction and enhanced economic welfare.

TradeMark Africa is committed to ensuring organisational excellence through recruiting and retaining a multi-skilled, versatile, high-performing and mobile workforce to fulfil the organisation’s complex and interrelated mandates, in an efficient and cost-effective manner. TMA is highly committed to employee safeguarding and will strive to create a conducive working environment that is free from bullying and harassment, and one that promotes employee development, safety and wellness, and positive employee/management relations.

TMA is an equal opportunities employer. TMA ensures diversity of staff and potential staff regardless of their gender, race, colour, ethnicity, disability, marital status, age, religion, political opinion, physical and mental health status, pregnancy status, social status, or sexual orientation.

We are driven by a set of shared values that drive the way we work with our partners and communities:

  1. Collaboration: We are partner centric, flexible and responsive to our stakeholder needs.
  2. Inclusiveness: We embody diversity, maintain respectful relationships with our employees and partners and promote equal opportunity for all.
  3. Innovation: We empower our employees and partners to create sustainable solutions.
  4. Integrity: We are transparent, honest and ethical at all times.
  5. Professionalism: We are enthusiastic in delivering excellence in everything we do.