Bridging Borders: Facilitating DRC’s Integration into the EAC Customs Union

Bridging Borders: Facilitating DRC’s Integration into the EAC Customs Union

In a move to foster regional integration, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) joined the East African Community (EAC) in 2022, becoming the seventh member of the bloc. This pivotal move prompted collaborative efforts to align and harmonize the DRC with the EAC’s trade regulations and systems, laying the groundwork for seamless trade and mutual prosperity.

In this regard, the EAC Secretariat organized a five-day workshop from March 18-22, 2024, with support from USAID-ERRA. The workshop, attended by Senior officials from various DRC ministries, including Trade, EAC Affairs, Agriculture, Bureau of Standards, and Immigration and Customs Administration, aimed to integrate the DRC into the EAC Customs Union. Additionally, the workshop provided participants with practical insights and experiences of critical trade facilitation projects, including the operationalization of One-Stop Border Posts (OSBPs), highlighted by a visit to the Mutukula OSBP on the Uganda-Tanzania border.

Central to these discussions was the Customs Union Protocol, which fosters intra-EAC trade by mandating zero duties on intra-EAC trade while enforcing Common External Tariffs (CET) on imports originating outside the bloc. This critical protocol not only promotes a level playing field for goods and services within the bloc but also strengthens the region’s resilience against external economic pressures, safeguarding the interests of Partner States.

Strengthening the capacity of government bodies to implement the regional integration agenda is a critical objective of USAID-ERRA.