[vc_row][vc_column][custom_inner_menus select_menu="project"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][single_project_block_1 heading="Busia Trade Logistics Cluster" implementor="Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives and Busia District Local Government" target_group="Importers, Exporters, Transporters, Regulatory Government Agencies." project_value="US" implementation_period="2018- 2022" download_btn_text="Download Project PDF" download_btn_link="https://www.trademarkafrica.com/download/58534/"]Uganda Revenue Authority successfully implemented the AEO programme between 2010 – 2017 with support during implementation of its Strategy 1, this support also included the migration from ASYCUDA++ to ASYCUDA World as well as the establishment of the centralised Document Processing Centre (DPC). As a result of these interventions and internal URA reforms there was tremendous improvement in service delivery, taxpayer compliance, corporate image, and URA’s revenue collection which has more than doubled over in the last 5 years. Currently, Uganda has 66 companies recognised as AEOs in Uganda and 30 companies that are regionally accredited across the East African Community. However, the AEO programme is still faced with manual processes that have made it difficult to realize the intended objective and weakened delivery of the full benefits arising from this work. This situation creates the need to automate these processes and include an element of risk assessment is necessary to improve the service delivery and further grow the AEO programme. What: The project seeks to develop a risk management engine to support compliance in the Customs Department making the international supply chain more secure by managing risks, rewarding compliance, and facilitating trade and enhancing revenue generation. Further, the system will improve the efficiency of the implementing agency by removing redundancies in the application, registration, and accreditation processes for AEOs. How:...