Strengthening Africa’s capacity to trade
Posted on: April 8, 2021
Posted on: April 8, 2021
Posted on: April 8, 2021
Posted on: March 19, 2019
[vc_row][vc_column][rev_slider slidertitle="UGANDA ELECTRONIC SINGLE WINDOW PROJECT" alias="uganda-electronic-single-window-project" offset=""][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][custom_inner_menus select_menu="project"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][single_project_block_1 heading="Uganda Electronics Single Window Project" implementor="MINISTRY OF TRADE, INDUSTRY AND COOPERATIVES (MTIC) – Lead Coordinating Agency UGANDA REVENUE AUTHORITY (URA) – Lead Implementing Agency" target_group="Importers and Exporters" project_value="US$ 9,000,000" implementation_period="2015 - 2018" download_btn_text="Download Project PDF" download_btn_link="#url"]Uganda’s international trade business community must regularly prepare and submit large volumes of information and documents to governmental authorities to comply with import, export and transit-related regulatory requirements. Extensive documentation requirements and their associated compliance costs, constitute non – tariff barriers (NTBs), thus inhibiting the development of intra-regional and international trade. What: A national electronic single window, resolves the time and cost challenges and eliminates non-tariff barriers. In this case, UESW will link 22 government Ministries, Departments and Agencies thereby reducing transaction costs and time associated with processing select imports and exports documentation. How: TMA, with funding from the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA), is providing financial and technical assistance to the URA, as the lead implementing agency, and Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives, as the lead coordinating agency, to support the implementation of the national electronic single window. Contact: Damali Ssali, Email; Click here to learn more about One Stop Border Posts Program[/single_project_block_1][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_id="desired-result"][vc_column][single_project_block_2 heading="Desired Results" image_1="42902" image_2="43387"]The Uganda Electronic Single Window (UESW) will lead to improved coordination and sharing of data amongst trade regulatory agencies. It will also reduce the time it takes to process import and export documents in Uganda.[/single_project_block_2][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_id="project-insight"][vc_column][project_single_ele_3_container heading="More Project Insights." sub_heading="Projects Highlights From A Glance" slide_1="info access...
Posted on: July 3, 2014
This book brings together a collection of papers that look at the nature and impact of barriers to trade within Africa. The varied contributions draw attention to a wide range of constraints, distortions and abuses, and unveil the complexity of the reform agenda that is necessary to address them. The chapters have been written in a non-technical language, with the explicit intention of promoting dialogue about integration amongst policy makers, regulators, entrepreneurs, consumers, academia, and the broad international development community. Behind each chapter lie more detailed technical reports that are available on the trade website of the World Bank’s Africa Region.
Posted on: February 18, 2021
[vc_row][vc_column][custom_inner_menus select_menu="project"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][single_project_block_1 heading="Busia Trade Logistics Cluster" implementor="Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives and Busia District Local Government" target_group="Importers, Exporters, Transporters, Regulatory Government Agencies." project_value="US" implementation_period="2018- 2022" download_btn_text="Download Project PDF" download_btn_link=""]Uganda Revenue Authority successfully implemented the AEO programme between 2010 – 2017 with support during implementation of its Strategy 1, this support also included the migration from ASYCUDA++ to ASYCUDA World as well as the establishment of the centralised Document Processing Centre (DPC). As a result of these interventions and internal URA reforms there was tremendous improvement in service delivery, taxpayer compliance, corporate image, and URA’s revenue collection which has more than doubled over in the last 5 years. Currently, Uganda has 66 companies recognised as AEOs in Uganda and 30 companies that are regionally accredited across the East African Community. However, the AEO programme is still faced with manual processes that have made it difficult to realize the intended objective and weakened delivery of the full benefits arising from this work. This situation creates the need to automate these processes and include an element of risk assessment is necessary to improve the service delivery and further grow the AEO programme. What: The project seeks to develop a risk management engine to support compliance in the Customs Department making the international supply chain more secure by managing risks, rewarding compliance, and facilitating trade and enhancing revenue generation. Further, the system will improve the efficiency of the implementing agency by removing redundancies in the application, registration, and accreditation processes for AEOs. How:...
Posted on: July 5, 2021
Posted on: September 25, 2014
[vc_row][vc_column][custom_inner_menus select_menu="project"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][single_project_block_1 heading="Ntungamo – Mirama Hills Road Construction" implementor="Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA)" target_group="Importers and exporters in East Africa" project_value="US$ 22,000,000" implementation_period="2015 – 2017" download_btn_text="Download Project PDF" download_btn_link="#url"]The Mirama Hills road route offers a shorter and less difficult route to Rwanda than passing through the Katuna/Gatuna border post. This unpaved section of 37 Km of Northern Corridor road network was a major constraint to the better operationalisation of a one stop border post at Kagitumba and Mirama Hills is expected to decrease the time for goods to be transported between Kampala and Kigali and increase the volume of traffic using this route. What: The project focuses on upgrading and paving of the road to bitumen standards from Ntungamo to Mirama Hills Border (approx 37 Km long). The works consist of upgrading the road from gravel to Class II Bitumen Standard, with 7m-wide carriageway of asphalt concrete surfacing and 2No. 1.5m-wide double surface dressed shoulders. How: TMA is providing financial assistance to the Government of Uganda (GoU) to assist in the financing of the project. The Works will be executed by a Construction firm and Quality Assurance will be ensured through permanent supervision of works backed up by Project Managers from UNRA and TMA. Both the Project Managers and Consultancy supervision firm will report to the UNRA/TMA joint established Technical Oversight Committee (TOC), which will approve all project implementation decisions. Contact: Vincent Rudahunga: Email: Click here to learn more about One Stop Border Posts Program[/single_project_block_1][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_id="desired-result"][vc_column][single_project_block_2 heading="Desired Results" image_1="42658" image_2="42419"]Improved...
Posted on: July 3, 2014
This review focuses on studies that analyse the impact of the six main trade facilitation instruments on developing countries.
Posted on: February 18, 2021
[vc_row][vc_column][custom_inner_menus select_menu="project"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][single_project_block_1 heading="Capacity Building and NTB Elimination" implementor="Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives" target_group="Importers and Exporters" project_value="USD 510,000" implementation_period="2018- 2023" download_btn_text="Download Project PDF" download_btn_link=""]The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives between 2012 and 2017 developed and rolled out a Non-Tariff Barriers reporting system, a platform that facilitates the reporting of NTBs in real time either online ( or via SMS by dialling *201# to report the NTB that may be impeding trade. This system has been successful and more than 80% of NTBs reported through the system are resolved. However, there is need to upgrade the system to make it more robust and continue strengthening the National Monitoring Committee that is responsible for oversight on NTBs. What: The project will upgrade the existing NTB reporting system making it more responsive and this will include: Developing an NTB mobile application Interfacing the NTB reporting system with other trade facilitation systems i.e., Trade Information Portal and Uganda Electronic Single Window. Improve the analytical capabilities of the system. Translate the system into local languages to increase accessibility. In addition, the project will continue to support the implementation of the National Response Mechanism that will strengthen the existing National Monitoring Committees capacity to monitor and eliminate NTBs. How: TMA, with funding from the United Kingdom Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), is providing financial assistance to Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives to implement this project. Contact: Ag. Senior Programme Manager: Sandra Kirenga Click here to learn more about One Stop Border Posts...
Posted on: July 7, 2021
Posted on: August 11, 2023