Benin lays the groundwork for developing national trade facilitation strategy in partnership with TradeMark Africa

Benin is making strides to improve its trade environment with the recent unveiling of a framework that will guide the development of its National Trade Facilitation Strategy. Discussions surrounding the framework for this important strategy brought together stakeholders from various trade-related agencies. These included representatives from customs, sanitary and phytosanitary services, quality control authorities, port operators, and other relevant institutions. The deliberations took place at a workshop facilitated by TradeMark Africa (TMA) on Monday, 24 March 2025, at the Riviéra Hotel in Cotonou. The workshop was officially opened by Ambassador Benjamin Alanménou, the Technical Advisor for International Agreements to the Minister of Industry and Trade. Coordinated by the National Trade Facilitation Committee (CNFE), the stakeholders at the workshop established the foundational principles upon which the strategy will be built. In his opening address, Ambassador Alanménou provided context about the facilitating organization. “For those unfamiliar with TradeMark Africa (TMA), it is a non-profit organisation dedicated to eliminating trade barriers by modernising infrastructure, establishing digital trade systems, harmonising trade standards and protocols, and fostering public-private dialogue to support trade policy reforms,” he explained. He further emphasized the significance of the National Trade Facilitation Strategy, stating that it will form the basis for future initiatives and engagements aimed at simplifying and modernizing Benin’s trade landscape. Dr Gominan Fousséni, the Director of Foreign Trade and President of the National Trade Facilitation Committee, underscored the importance of this initiative. He remarked, “As its name suggests, this strategy is a fundamental tool underpinning all our previous...

Making Trade Work for Women in Eastern Africa Programme Concludes with Lasting Impact and Valuable Insights

Over the past six years, the Making Trade Work for Women in East Africa programme has significantly transformed cross-border trade practices, expanded market access, and improved the livelihoods of tens of thousands of women traders. Recently, stakeholders from across the region gathered for a two-day close-out workshop to reflect on the programme's accomplishments, consolidate the lessons learned, and explore strategies to sustain and amplify its impact throughout the continent. Cross-border trade has historically been a vital source of income for women in East Africa. However, they have faced numerous systemic barriers that have hindered their ability to fully benefit from this sector. An independent endline evaluation report highlighted the programme's success in enabling over 50,000 women to transition from informal to formal trade. This was achieved through facilitating collective trading within formal associations, advocating for supportive policies and practices, providing access to essential trade and market information, and developing their business management and networking capabilities. As a result, the average monthly trade value for participating women increased by 23%, rising from $308 in 2018 to $380 in 2023. Notably, women who formalized their businesses experienced a 33% increase in trade value, and 78% reported greater confidence and enhanced decision-making power. A key aspect of the programme was the establishment of resource centres at border crossings. These centres serve as vital hubs, offering critical information, facilitating coordination with border agencies, and providing assistance to traders facing harassment. Furthermore, tele-support services were made available to traders located far from border areas. The...

TradeMark Africa and DRC Customs Authority discuss pathways for cargo tracking systems integration

TradeMark Africa (TMA) and the Democratic Republic of Congo’s (DRC) General Directorate of Customs and Excise (DGDA) on 18 March 2025 convened a steering committee meeting in Nairobi to review ongoing trade facilitation projects in the country. A major focus of the discussions included the integration of the Regional Electronic Cargo Tracking System (RECTS), which spans from Mombasa to Mahagi border, with the DRC’s national Electronic Cargo Tracking System (ECTS), covering Mahagi to the country’s hinterland and beyond its border in the central Africa region. The meeting was led by TMA’s Deputy CEO, Allen Asiimwe, and Director of Strategy and Partnerships, Anthe Vrijlandt, alongside DGDA’s Assistant Deputy Director, Mabaya Jean Paul, who represented the Director General. If all goes according to plan, the integration of RECTS and ECTS will represent a major step in the DRC’s trade modernisation efforts and its deeper integration into the East African Community (EAC). The RECTS system enhances cargo security along the Northern Corridor, covering trade routes from the Port of Mombasa through Uganda, Rwanda, and into the DRC. By minimising delays, it improves truck turnaround times and lowers business costs. The DRC’s national ECTS, developed and adopted following a successful pilot phase in 2019, ensures that transit goods reach their intended destinations within central Africa. This prevents cargo diversion to unauthorised locations and combats customs duty and import tax evasion. The system uses electronic trackers affixed to containers upon entry into the DRC, which are then removed upon exit, providing real-time visibility of cargo...

La Côte d’Ivoire modernise son infrastructure logistique commerciale grâce à un projet d’entrepôt spécialisé et à la modernisation prévue de ses frontières

Le gouvernement de Côte d'Ivoire, en collaboration avec TradeMark Africa (TMA), continue de faire progresser la facilitation du commerce par le biais de divers engagements stratégiques avec des partenaires dans le pays et dans la région de l'Afrique de l'Ouest. Dans le cadre de ces efforts continus, un atelier s'est tenu à Abidjan le 12 mars 2025 pour valider une étude sur la restructuration d'un centre de commerce extérieur et d'entrepôts spécialisés aux principaux postes frontaliers. Cette initiative permettra de faciliter le regroupement, la transformation et le stockage des céréales destinées à l'exportation. Présidé par M. Serge Martial Bombo, en remplacement du directeur général du commerce extérieur, l'atelier visait à valider les conclusions de l'étude et à intégrer les points de vue des parties prenantes sur les recommandations proposées. M. Bombo, qui occupe le poste de secrétaire général du Conseil national des exportations, a réitéré la nécessité de moderniser l'infrastructure commerciale afin d'en améliorer l'efficacité et l'accessibilité. Il a indiqué que l'objectif du gouvernement était de développer des infrastructures commerciales efficaces et accessibles, conformes aux normes internationales, afin d'atténuer les pertes post-récolte, d'améliorer la logistique commerciale et de stimuler la croissance économique. Cette étude, menée par le cabinet de conseil Artelia à la demande de TradeMark Africa, reflète l'engagement du Conseil national des exportations à créer des entrepôts spécialisés aux huit frontières terrestres de la Côte d'Ivoire. Ces sites comprennent les régions du Poro, de Djuablin, de Tonpki, de Gbêkê, de la Comoé du Sud et du Tchologo, avec des...

Côte d’Ivoire to modernise trade logistics infrastructure with specialised warehouse project and planned border upgrades

Stakeholders participating at the Cote d'Ivoire validation workshop in Abidjan on 12 March 2025. The Government of Côte d'Ivoire, in collaboration with TradeMark Africa (TMA), continues to advance trade facilitation through various strategic engagements with partners in the country and the West Africa region. As part of these ongoing efforts, a workshop was held in Abidjan on 12 March 2025 to validate a study on the restructuring of an external trade hub and specialised warehouses at major border posts. The initiative will facilitate the aggregation, processing, and storage of cereals for export. Presided over by Mr. Serge Martial Bombo, standing in for the Director General of Foreign Trade, the workshop sought to validate the study’s findings and incorporate stakeholders’ insights on the proposed recommendations. Mr. Bombo, who serves as Secretary General of the National Export Council, reiterated the critical need for modernising trade infrastructure to improve efficiency and accessibility. He noted that the Government’s objective is to develop efficient and accessible trade infrastructure that aligns with international standards to mitigate post-harvest losses, enhance trade logistics, and stimulate economic growth. Commissioned by TradeMark Africa and conducted by Artelia, a consulting firm, the study reflects the National Export Council’s commitment to establishing specialised warehouses at Côte d'Ivoire’s eight land borders. These locations include the Poro, Djuablin, Tonpki, Gbêkê, South Comoé, and Tchologo regions, with pilot sites studied in Bouaké (Adjouassou), Ferkessédougou (Nambonkaha), and the Noé border—an important trade gateway between Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana—currently undergoing critical infrastructure upgrades to enhance efficiency, security,...

Le corridor Djibouti-Éthiopie va bénéficier d’une nouvelle autorité de gestion et d’un observatoire des transports.

Une partie de la délégation djiboutienne avec le Secrétaire Exécutif du NCTTCA La position unique de Djibouti au carrefour de l'Afrique, du Moyen-Orient et des routes commerciales mondiales en a fait une plaque tournante majeure pour le commerce régional et international. En tant que principale porte d'entrée pour le commerce éthiopien, le corridor Djibouti-Éthiopie traite environ 95 % des importations et des exportations de l'Éthiopie. Malgré son infrastructure portuaire de classe mondiale, les inefficacités en matière de facilitation du commerce, de coordination institutionnelle et de logistique des transports continuent de ralentir les échanges, entraînant des coûts élevés, des temps de transit longs et des pertes d'opportunités économiques pour les entreprises et les commerçants qui dépendent du corridor. Pour relever ces défis, Djibouti et l'Éthiopie sont en train de créer une autorité de gestion du corridor et un observatoire des transports. L'autorité de gestion du corridor soutiendra la coordination des institutions, s'attaquera aux goulets d'étranglement commerciaux et améliorera la circulation des marchandises. Parallèlement, l'Observatoire des transports collectera et analysera des données commerciales en temps réel, ce qui permettra aux autorités de contrôler les performances, d'identifier les inefficacités et de mettre en œuvre des solutions opportunes. Ensemble, ces initiatives permettront de réduire les coûts commerciaux, de raccourcir les temps de transit et d'améliorer la compétitivité des entreprises opérant le long du corridor. Pour mettre en place un système efficace, Djibouti s'inspire des modèles de gestion des corridors commerciaux qui ont fait leurs preuves en Afrique de l'Est. Une équipe technique a récemment...

Djibouti–Ethiopia Trade Corridor to Benefit from New Management Authority and Transport Observatory

  Group photo of the Djibouti delegation with MAGERWA staff Djibouti’s unique position at the crossroads of Africa, the Middle East, and global trade routes has made it a major hub for regional and international trade. As the main gateway for Ethiopia’s trade, the Djibouti-Ethiopia corridor handles about 95 percent of Ethiopia’s imports and exports. Despite its world-class port infrastructure, inefficiencies in trade facilitation, institutional coordination, and transport logistics continue to slow trade, leading to high costs, long transit times, and lost economic opportunities for businesses and traders that rely on the corridor. To address these challenges, Djibouti and Ethiopia are in the process of creating a Corridor Management Authority and a Transport Observatory. The Corridor Management Authority will support coordination of institutions, address trade bottlenecks, and improve the movement of goods. At the same time, the Transport Observatory will collect and analyze real-time trade data, enabling authorities to monitor performance, identify inefficiencies, and implement timely solutions. Together, these initiatives will lower trade costs, shorten transit times, and enhance the competitiveness of businesses operating along the corridor. To build an effective system, Djibouti is learning from successful trade corridor management models in East Africa. A technical team recently visited The Northern Corridor Transit and Transport Coordination Authority, the Port of Mombasa, Mariakani Weigh In Motion bridge under Kenya National Highways, Taveta OSBP in Kenya, the Central Corridor Transit and Transport Facilitation Agency and Holili OSBP in Tanzania, and the public bonded warehouse of Rwanda (MAGERWA) Rwanda. The delegation was able...

Le protocole numérique continental de l’Afrique pourrait ouvrir une nouvelle ère de croissance économique et de prospérité

Le Nigeria a une occasion unique de tirer parti des avantages offerts par le protocole sur le commerce numérique de la zone de libre-échange continentale africaine (ZLECAf), qui est conçu pour intégrer les marchés fragmentés de l'Afrique par le biais des technologies numériques, réduire les coûts de transaction pour les entreprises et générer de nouvelles sources de revenus pour les gouvernements. Ces sentiments ont été exprimés lors d'un atelier de deux jours sur le commerce numérique de la ZLECAf et les marchés mondiaux organisé par le bureau du vice-président de la République fédérale du Nigeria et ODI Global à Abuja les 19 et 20 février 2025, où la directrice du conseil d'administration de TradeMark Africa (TMA), Lola Aworanti-Ekugo, a dirigé une session perspicace sur "Le protocole de commerce numérique de la ZLECAf : Implications pour le Nigeria". Adopté en février 2024, le protocole sur le commerce numérique de la ZLECAf vise à éliminer les barrières commerciales, à renforcer la connectivité et à créer un environnement commercial numérique transparent en Afrique. La session d'Aworanti-Ekugo a délibéré sur une feuille de route pour la mise en œuvre du protocole par le Nigéria, décrivant les réformes, les étapes réglementaires et les investissements dans l'infrastructure numérique nécessaires pour libérer tout le potentiel commercial du pays grâce au commerce numérique. Elle a souligné la nécessité pour le Nigeria d'harmoniser ses politiques en matière de commerce numérique, d'améliorer la gouvernance des données et de renforcer les cadres de protection des consommateurs afin de faciliter le commerce...

Africa’s continental digital protocol could unlock a new era of economic growth and prosperity

Nigeria has a unique opportunity to capitalise on the benefits provided by the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)’s Digital Trade Protocol, which is designed to integrate Africa’s fragmented markets through digital technologies, deliver savings in transaction costs for businesses, and generate new revenue streams for governments. These sentiments were echoed during a two-day AfCFTA Digital Trade Workshop and Global Markets hosted by the Office of the Vice President, Federal Republic of Nigeria and ODI Global in Abuja on February 19-20, 2025, where TradeMark Africa (TMA)’s Board Director, Lola Aworanti-Ekugo, led an insightful session on “The AfCFTA Digital Trade Protocol: Implications for Nigeria.” Adopted in February 2024, the AfCFTA Digital Trade Protocol seeks to eliminate trade barriers, enhance connectivity, and create a seamless digital trade environment in Africa. Aworanti-Ekugo’s session deliberated on a roadmap for Nigeria’s implementation of the protocol, outlining the reforms, regulatory milestones, and digital infrastructure investments needed to unlock the country’s full trade potential through digital trade. She emphasised the need for Nigeria to harmonise its digital trade policies, improve data governance, and strengthen consumer protection frameworks as part of the foundation for facilitating cross-border trade, enhancing the country’s competitiveness in the global digital economy, and positioning Africa as a leader in the global digital economy. The AfCFTA Digital Trade Workshop in Lagos follows Nigeria’s recent endorsement by the African Union as the AfCFTA Digital Trade Champion at the 38th AU Assembly in Addis Ababa. The recognition highlights Nigeria’s leadership in digital enterprise and innovation, and its...

Rwanda’s fresh produce enterprises seek new markets at global forums in Europe

Three Rwandan small and medium-sized fresh produce companies recently showcased their products at the 2025 Fruit Logistica Expo in Berlin, Germany, making strides towards unlocking new opportunities in the export market. The exhibition, held from February 5–7, is one of the world’s largest trade fairs for the fresh produce industry. This year’s gathering brought together an estimated 66,000 visitors and 2,700 exhibitors from 145 countries, offering Kinvest Farms Company, Lotec Rwanda Ltd, and Effective M&N a global platform to promote their products, businesses, and prospect for new customers for their niche horticultural produce. Their participation was part of the five-year Value-added Initiative to Boost Employment (VIBE) programme that is implemented in Rwanda by TradeMark Africa (TMA), the International Trade Centre (ITC), in partnership with Mastercard Foundation. “Occasions such as this expo avail valuable opportunities for Rwanda’s fresh produce exporters to explore new markets, enhance their earning potential, and improve the prospects for other local enterprises to expand into European and global markets. By engaging directly with international stakeholders, these firms gained critical insights into market dynamics and established connections with potential buyers and strategic partners,” said Doreca Musenga, VIBE Programme at TradeMark Africa. The three companies, who are part of the many VIBE programme participants, collectively produce and export a variety of fresh produce, including French beans, passion fruits, chilies, snow peas, bird’s eye chilies, bananas, green chilies, habanero, and avocados. Despite their exponential potential, these firms, like many other micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), face several challenges in...