Djibouti–Ethiopia Trade Corridor to Benefit from New Management Authority and Transport Observatory

  Group photo of the Djibouti delegation with MAGERWA staff Djibouti’s unique position at the crossroads of Africa, the Middle East, and global trade routes has made it a major hub for regional and international trade. As the main gateway for Ethiopia’s trade, the Djibouti-Ethiopia corridor handles about 95 percent of Ethiopia’s imports and exports. Despite its world-class port infrastructure, inefficiencies in trade facilitation, institutional coordination, and transport logistics continue to slow trade, leading to high costs, long transit times, and lost economic opportunities for businesses and traders that rely on the corridor. To address these challenges, Djibouti and Ethiopia are in the process of creating a Corridor Management Authority and a Transport Observatory. The Corridor Management Authority will support coordination of institutions, address trade bottlenecks, and improve the movement of goods. At the same time, the Transport Observatory will collect and analyze real-time trade data, enabling authorities to monitor performance, identify inefficiencies, and implement timely solutions. Together, these initiatives will lower trade costs, shorten transit times, and enhance the competitiveness of businesses operating along the corridor. To build an effective system, Djibouti is learning from successful trade corridor management models in East Africa. A technical team recently visited The Northern Corridor Transit and Transport Coordination Authority, the Port of Mombasa, Mariakani Weigh In Motion bridge under Kenya National Highways, Taveta OSBP in Kenya, the Central Corridor Transit and Transport Facilitation Agency and Holili OSBP in Tanzania, and the public bonded warehouse of Rwanda (MAGERWA) Rwanda. The delegation was able...

Le protocole numérique continental de l’Afrique pourrait ouvrir une nouvelle ère de croissance économique et de prospérité

Le Nigeria a une occasion unique de tirer parti des avantages offerts par le protocole sur le commerce numérique de la zone de libre-échange continentale africaine (ZLECAf), qui est conçu pour intégrer les marchés fragmentés de l'Afrique par le biais des technologies numériques, réduire les coûts de transaction pour les entreprises et générer de nouvelles sources de revenus pour les gouvernements. Ces sentiments ont été exprimés lors d'un atelier de deux jours sur le commerce numérique de la ZLECAf et les marchés mondiaux organisé par le bureau du vice-président de la République fédérale du Nigeria et ODI Global à Abuja les 19 et 20 février 2025, où la directrice du conseil d'administration de TradeMark Africa (TMA), Lola Aworanti-Ekugo, a dirigé une session perspicace sur "Le protocole de commerce numérique de la ZLECAf : Implications pour le Nigeria". Adopté en février 2024, le protocole sur le commerce numérique de la ZLECAf vise à éliminer les barrières commerciales, à renforcer la connectivité et à créer un environnement commercial numérique transparent en Afrique. La session d'Aworanti-Ekugo a délibéré sur une feuille de route pour la mise en œuvre du protocole par le Nigéria, décrivant les réformes, les étapes réglementaires et les investissements dans l'infrastructure numérique nécessaires pour libérer tout le potentiel commercial du pays grâce au commerce numérique. Elle a souligné la nécessité pour le Nigeria d'harmoniser ses politiques en matière de commerce numérique, d'améliorer la gouvernance des données et de renforcer les cadres de protection des consommateurs afin de faciliter le commerce...

Africa’s continental digital protocol could unlock a new era of economic growth and prosperity

Nigeria has a unique opportunity to capitalise on the benefits provided by the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)’s Digital Trade Protocol, which is designed to integrate Africa’s fragmented markets through digital technologies, deliver savings in transaction costs for businesses, and generate new revenue streams for governments. These sentiments were echoed during a two-day AfCFTA Digital Trade Workshop and Global Markets hosted by the Office of the Vice President, Federal Republic of Nigeria and ODI Global in Abuja on February 19-20, 2025, where TradeMark Africa (TMA)’s Board Director, Lola Aworanti-Ekugo, led an insightful session on “The AfCFTA Digital Trade Protocol: Implications for Nigeria.” Adopted in February 2024, the AfCFTA Digital Trade Protocol seeks to eliminate trade barriers, enhance connectivity, and create a seamless digital trade environment in Africa. Aworanti-Ekugo’s session deliberated on a roadmap for Nigeria’s implementation of the protocol, outlining the reforms, regulatory milestones, and digital infrastructure investments needed to unlock the country’s full trade potential through digital trade. She emphasised the need for Nigeria to harmonise its digital trade policies, improve data governance, and strengthen consumer protection frameworks as part of the foundation for facilitating cross-border trade, enhancing the country’s competitiveness in the global digital economy, and positioning Africa as a leader in the global digital economy. The AfCFTA Digital Trade Workshop in Lagos follows Nigeria’s recent endorsement by the African Union as the AfCFTA Digital Trade Champion at the 38th AU Assembly in Addis Ababa. The recognition highlights Nigeria’s leadership in digital enterprise and innovation, and its...

Rwanda’s fresh produce enterprises seek new markets at global forums in Europe

Three Rwandan small and medium-sized fresh produce companies recently showcased their products at the 2025 Fruit Logistica Expo in Berlin, Germany, making strides towards unlocking new opportunities in the export market. The exhibition, held from February 5–7, is one of the world’s largest trade fairs for the fresh produce industry. This year’s gathering brought together an estimated 66,000 visitors and 2,700 exhibitors from 145 countries, offering Kinvest Farms Company, Lotec Rwanda Ltd, and Effective M&N a global platform to promote their products, businesses, and prospect for new customers for their niche horticultural produce. Their participation was part of the five-year Value-added Initiative to Boost Employment (VIBE) programme that is implemented in Rwanda by TradeMark Africa (TMA), the International Trade Centre (ITC), in partnership with Mastercard Foundation. “Occasions such as this expo avail valuable opportunities for Rwanda’s fresh produce exporters to explore new markets, enhance their earning potential, and improve the prospects for other local enterprises to expand into European and global markets. By engaging directly with international stakeholders, these firms gained critical insights into market dynamics and established connections with potential buyers and strategic partners,” said Doreca Musenga, VIBE Programme at TradeMark Africa. The three companies, who are part of the many VIBE programme participants, collectively produce and export a variety of fresh produce, including French beans, passion fruits, chilies, snow peas, bird’s eye chilies, bananas, green chilies, habanero, and avocados. Despite their exponential potential, these firms, like many other micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), face several challenges in...

Digital Innovation and Regional Collaboration Essential Drivers to Transforming Africa’s Trade Future

The recent commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of the East African Community (EAC) offered an excellent opportunity to reflect on its achievements, confront persistent challenges, and outline the path forward for advancing regional integration. A notable focus of the celebration was the role of digital innovation in addressing cross-border payment inefficiencies, with technologies such as artificial intelligence, mobile money, and digital currencies emerging as critical enablers. Coinciding with this milestone, the Africa Trade Development Forum (ATDF) was held in Kigali, Rwanda, from 2 to 3 December 2024. Co- organised by the Government of Rwanda and TradeMark Africa (TMA), the forum brought global trade leaders, policy makers, private sector representatives, researchers, and innovators to reimagine the transformative potential of digital solutions in redefining trade. Both events emphasised the need for actionable strategies to strengthen intra-regional trade through enhanced collaboration. Regional cooperation emerged as a key driver of economic growth, with the EAC commended for its leadership in promoting intra-African trade. Since 2010, TMA has worked to reduce trade barriers and modernise trade systems within the EAC. Its collaboration with the EAC has delivered 15 One-Stop Border Posts (OSBPs), reducing transit times by 16.5% along the Northern Corridor from Mombasa to Bujumbura and cutting crossing times by up to 70% at key border points. These improvements have significantly enhanced regional connectivity and efficiency. Digital transformation has been central to TMA’s approach, with initiatives such as the Single Customs Territory introducing electronic cargo tracking system, digital certificates of origin, and customs modernisation. The...

Rwanda’s horticultural enterprises take a leap towards standards compliance for global market access

Rwanda Inspectorate, Competition, and Consumer Protection Authority (RICA), in partnership with TradeMark Africa and the International Trade Centre (ITC), has concluded a four-day training for horticultural producers under the Value-added Initiative to Boost Employment (VIBE). This marks a significant step toward enhancing the capacity of Rwandan horticultural producers to access global markets. The training, held from November 18–21, 2024, brought together 30 small and medium- sized horticultural enterprises from across the fruit and vegetable value chains, including producers, farmer cooperatives, exporters, and the Rwanda Horticulture Exporters Association.   The training focused on Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs), with particular emphasis on pesticide use and compliance with Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs). Participants gained practical insights into pesticide application, pest management, record-keeping, and the implications of non-compliance with specified standards. Such violations can significantly impact international market access and pose public health risks. To reinforce and sustain best practices, the enterprises will receive an additional month of post-training coaching to ensure alignment with global standards in pest and disease control. These engagements align with VIBE’s overarching goals of enhancing access to lucrative export markets for Rwanda’s horticultural products, reducing rejection rates, increasing sales, and creating decent and fulfilling jobs. The five-year program, implemented in Rwanda by TradeMark Africa and the International Trade Center (ITC) in partnership with Mastercard Foundation, is designed to facilitate the creation of dignified job opportunities, particularly for women, youth, refugees, and persons with disabilities in micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) within the horticulture, poultry, meat, and dairy value...

TradeMark Africa and South Sudan officials discuss priorities for deepening trade facilitation

TradeMark Africa (TMA), on 23 October 2024, hosted a delegation from South Sudan to discuss priorities for enhancing cooperation in various areas of trade facilitation to reduce trade bottlenecks in South Sudan and neighbouring countries in the East African Community. The meeting brought together officials from South Sudan’s Ministry of East African Community Affairs (MEACA), South Sudan National Revenue Authority (SSNRA), South Sudan National Bureau of Standards (SSNBS), Ministry of Transport and Roads, and the National Cross-border Women Traders Association (NCBWTA). Led by Beny Gideon Mabor, Undersecretary General at MEACA, and TMA CEO David Beer, the two delegations explored opportunities for deeper collaboration, including:  Re-establishing a National Oversight Committee (NOC) to strengthen coordination and oversight of trade facilitation initiatives supported by TMA. Prioritising completion and full operationalisation of the Nimule One Stop Border Post (OSBP) to improve cross-border trade and customs clearance efficiency. Phase 1, which included construction of the truck parking yard and inspection shed, was completed in  2020. Phase 2 works, which would see construction of staff quarters and administration buildings, are pending. Enhancing Standards, Sanitary, and Phytosanitary (SPS) Measures to ease compliance with regional standards and boost access to markets for products made in the region. Addressing Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs) to reduce trade costs and improve the flow of goods along the Elegu-Nimule-Juba Corridor, the wider northern corridor, and in the EAC region.  Strengthening institutional capacity for South Sudan's National Bureau of Standards and the private sector in addressing technical barriers to trade. Enabling women traders by...

TradeMark Africa launches a six-month meat inspector training to enhance quality standards compliance

In collaboration with the Rwanda Inspectorate, Competition, and Consumer Protection Authority (RICA), TradeMark Africa (TMA) has kicked off a six-month training for meat inspectors to enhance compliance with quality standards, and sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures in Rwanda’s meat value chain. A first of its kind in Rwanda, the training will focus on strengthening of food safety standards and ensuring market access for both domestic and export meat products. Forty private meat inspectors are taking part in the training sessions, as part of the implementation of the Value-added Initiative to Boost Employment (VIBE). “The training is an important step towards strengthening the skills of private meat inspectors and enhance the level of compliance with the prescribed industry standards for a safer, more competitive and profitable meat value chain,” said Doreca Musenga, VIBE Program Manager at TradeMark Africa. The participants will undergo an intensive hands-on training on all aspects of meat inspection for the first month, and thereafter immerse themselves for practical experience at local abattoirs for five months. The training programme will feature on-going assessments and coaching sessions to ensure that participants gain the necessary skills and knowledge for meat inspection. This exercise will not only enhance compliance with both domestic and international standards but also create job opportunities, especially for young people, within the meat industry value chain.VIBE, which is spearheading the training, is jointly implemented by TMA, the International Trade Centre (ITC), in partnership with Mastercard Foundation. Implemented in Rwanda, the programme will enable creation of dignified job...

Le traitement à l’eau chaude pourrait changer la donne pour les exportations de mangues du Kenya

L'industrie kenyane de la mangue a subi d'importants revers en raison de l'invasion de la mouche des fruits (Bactrocera dorsalis), qui a conduit à de nombreuses interceptions de cargaisons de mangues par l'Union européenne (UE). Pour relever ce défi et préserver les possibilités d'exportation du pays, des traitements post-récolte innovants tels que l'utilisation de la technique de traitement à l'eau chaude (HWT) sont à l'étude. Avec le soutien du programme de renforcement de l'environnement des entreprises et des exportations (EU-BEEEP) financé par l'UE, une délégation de TradeMark Africa (TMA) a récemment visité la Direction des cultures horticoles (HCD) à l'aéroport international Jomo Kenyatta (JKIA) de Nairobi pour évaluer la faisabilité de l'installation d'un équipement de traitement à l'eau chaude. Plus tard, l'équipe a eu l'occasion d'observer un prototype de l'équipement au Centre international de physiologie et d'écologie des insectes (icipe), une institution de recherche scientifique réputée pour ses technologies et pratiques innovantes en matière de lutte contre les ravageurs. Le traitement des eaux usées est une méthode éprouvée pour éliminer les parasites de quarantaine tels que les mouches des fruits, tout en préservant la qualité et la durée de conservation des mangues. En investissant dans les technologies de traitement des eaux usées, les exportateurs kenyans seront mieux préparés à répondre aux normes phytosanitaires strictes exigées par les principaux marchés tels que l'Union européenne, les États-Unis et le Japon. Cet investissement permettra non seulement aux exportateurs d'éviter des rejets coûteux aux frontières, mais aussi d'améliorer leur compétitivité sur le marché mondial....

La réunion inaugurale du Comité national de Surveillance ouvre la voie aux activités de facilitation du commerce en Côte d’Ivoire

Le programme national de TradeMark Africa (TMA) en Côte d'Ivoire a tenu sa réunion inaugurale du Comité national de Surveillance (CNS) le 20 septembre 2024, suite à la récente signature d'un protocole d'accord avec le ministère du Commerce. Le CNS fait partie de la structure de gouvernance de TMA et est présidé par un haut fonctionnaire d'un ministère. Il est chargé de fournir des conseils stratégiques sur la programmation qui répond aux objectifs nationaux, d'examiner les propositions de projets et les plans d'affaires liés aux programmes qu'il supervise et peut recommander au conseil d'administration de les approuver. Le comité examine également les progrès de la mise en œuvre et résout les problèmes. Ses membres comprennent des représentants des ministères et départements gouvernementaux concernés, des organes faîtiers du secteur privé, des organisations de la société civile et des partenaires du développement. Au cours de la réunion, les participants ont noté que le lancement de la programmation de TMA en Côte d'Ivoire était opportun et essentiel pour faire progresser la facilitation du commerce dans le pays et dans toute l'Afrique de l'Ouest. La séance d'ouverture de la série de rencontres de la journée, y compris la réunion du CNS, a été présidée par Patrick Olivier Daipo, chef de cabinet adjoint, qui représentait le ministre ivoirien du commerce et de l'industrie, Souleymane Diarrassouba. La réunion du CNS était présidée par Kalilou Sylla, directeur général du commerce extérieur au ministère. "Ce Comité National de Surveillance jouera un rôle essentiel dans le suivi et la...