Category: Blog

The AfCFTA, Mastercard Foundation and TradeMark Africa Collaborate on a Four-Year Fisheries Program to Empower Women and Youth in Africa

United Republic of Tanzania, Zanzibar, 25 June 2024: The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Secretariat, in partnership with the Mastercard Foundation and TradeMark Africa, has announced a four-year fisheries program to be implemented across seven countries to enable over 240,000 work opportunities and boost trade in fish and fish products by about $100 million by 2028. The “Women and Youth Economic Empowerment in Fisheries” program will enhance the participation of women and youth in fisheries in line with the adopted AfCFTA Protocol on Women and Youth in Trade. This announcement was made during the 14th Meeting of the Council of Ministers responsible for Trade in Zanzibar. The program is designed to address structural challenges women and youth face when participating in the fisheries value chain. It will offer training, facilitate access to markets and finance, catalyze supply chain linkages, create digital solutions, simplify trade regimes, enhance compliance to standards and enable streamlined cross-border market access. The program is a culmination of work between the AfCFTA Secretariat and the Mastercard Foundation. This work started with the development of the AfCFTA private sector strategy, where priority value chains were identified to boost intra-Africa trade and production. TradeMark Africa will implement the program to benefit Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs) in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Zambia, Nigeria and selected Island states. Africa’s fisheries sector plays a major role in food security and the economic well-being for millions of households, with the World Bank noting that the...

Kenya’s Anti-Counterfeit Agency Launches Digital System to Combat Intellectual Property Rights

The Kenyan Anti-Counterfeit Authority (ACA) has launched the Integrated Information Management System (AIMS), a digital system designed to combat counterfeiting and safeguard intellectual property (IP) rights and the commercial interests of businesses. The system was unveiled during the opening of the 2nd International Symposium on Intellectual Property Protection and Enforcement (ISIPPE) at the Kenyatta International Conference Centre (KICC) in Nairobi. Themed “Uniting Against Counterfeiting for a Healthy and Safe Future,” the event aimed at enhancing collaboration and innovation in IP protection, raise awareness about the dangers of counterfeits, and highlight the importance of safeguarding IP rights for economic growth and public safety. Developed with support from the UK and Danish governments at cost of approximately $900,000 through TradeMark Africa (TMA), AIMS allows IP holders to register their IP rights (trademarks, copyrights, and patents) through a user-friendly online portal. This documentation establishes ownership and serves as a reference point for enforcement actions. The system also equips enforcement agencies with the capacity to identify and seize counterfeit goods in the market or at entry points and pave way for prosecution of the infringer. The launch was graced by the Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Investments, Trade, and Industry, Ms. Rebecca Miano. The event brought together key stakeholders, policymakers, and industry leaders to discuss the crucial role of IP protection in ensuring consumer safety, fostering innovation, and advancing healthy competition. “Consumer safety is paramount, and strong intellectual property enforcement is essential to protect the public from counterfeit goods,” CS Miano said in her opening...

Greening Growth: TradeMark Africa’s Climate-Conscious Commitment

By Trizer Omugar, Ben Mbindah and Njoki Mungai (TradeMark Africa) The United Nations’ World Environment Day (WED), celebrated annually on June 5, marks its 52nd year in 2024 with the global theme, "Our Land. Our Future. #GenerationRestoration." We emphasise the importance of land restoration to enhance ecological health and productivity by reversing land degradation, halting desertification, and building drought resilience. This year, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, known for its vast deserts, will host the event. Recognising the critical link between economic growth and environmental sustainability, TradeMark Africa (TMA) is alive to its mission of pursuing continental trade facilitation while considering environmental concerns. Africa, where TMA operates, is endowed with rich biodiversity, vast natural resources, and diverse ecosystems, which play a significant role in global trade and economic development. TMA tackles this complexity by designing programmes that promote green trade and logistical operations while making agriculture more sustainable by greening value chains. Land degradation  In a rapidly changing global environment, infrastructure development must consider sustainability practices to mitigate the adverse effects of land degradation. TMA (TradeMark Africa) stands at the forefront of this important work, exemplified by its strategic and consistent incorporation of environmental and climate change considerations into its infrastructure projects. A notable case study is the Hargeisa Bypass Road in Somaliland, where TMA and its implementing partners identified climatic hotspots along the route and implemented climate-proofing solutions during construction. This proactive approach ensures that the road not only serves its purpose but also contributes to mitigate land degradation....

Danish Development Cooperation Minister Lauds Strides Towards Mombasa Port Improvements

On Saturday, May 25, 2024, Kenya, Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) was honoured to host Danish Minister for Development Cooperation and Global Climate Policy, Dan Jorgensen, at the Port of Mombasa. Minister Jorgensen, alongside KPA MD Capt. William Ruto, Danish Ambassador to Kenya Stephan Schonemann, and TradeMark Africa Director (TMA) for Strategy and Partnerships Anthe Vrijlandt, engaged in productive discussions on critical infrastructure projects for enhancing the efficiency and sustainability of Mombasa Port. Capt. Ruto expressed his gratitude for the long-standing collaboration between KPA and Denmark, facilitated through TMA and other development partners. Denmark has co-supported the upgrade of Mbaraki Road in Mombasa and facilitated initiatives aimed at strengthening green growth, climate resilience, and GHG emissions reduction in freight transport. The support also encompassed a review of the Green Port Policy covering all other ports, namely, Lamu, Shimoni as well as the Inland Container Depots (ICDs) in Nairobi and Naivasha, providing guidelines on how the ports can be developed, maintained and operated in an environmentally sustainable manner. Additionally, Denmark has supported the Kisumu Port Resilient Infrastructure Project, which aims to revive maritime transport and logistics on Lake Victoria, promote economic growth, reduce pollution, and facilitate regional trade. The delegation explored potential areas for future cooperation, focusing on among others, Smart Ports and Green Port Policy Initiatives.

TradeMark mène une réflexion de haut niveau avec la délégation canadienne sur les succès du partenariat visant à faciliter l’accès des femmes au commerce

Le 17 mai 2024, Affaires mondiales Canada (GAC) a rencontré TradeMark Africa (TMA) pour faire le point sur un partenariat de 18 millions de dollars canadiens qui a renforcé l'autonomisation économique des femmes dans le commerce et créé un environnement commercial inclusif aux frontières de l'Afrique de l'Est. Lors d'une réunion dirigée par Dave Beer, PDG de TMA, Sue Steffen, directrice générale de GAC pour les affaires panafricaines, a noté que le Canada examine de plus près ses interactions avec l'Afrique. "Nous reconnaissons la profondeur de notre partenariat avec l'Afrique. Nous sommes à un tournant en ce qui concerne nos relations et nos engagements sur le continent dans une dynamique mondiale qui évolue rapidement. C'est une période intéressante pour Affaires mondiales Canada en ce qui concerne nos programmes de développement, et je suis heureuse de constater que TradeMark Africa fait partie de cet écosystème en tant que partenaire important", a déclaré Mme Steffen. Le PDG de TMA, M. Beer, a exprimé son engagement envers le partenariat, qui a permis aux organisations de créer des solutions innovantes telles que la plateforme numérique iSOKO pour les petits commerçants, de soutenir les efforts visant à formaliser leurs entreprises, et d'atteindre la voix et la capacité de gain de plus de 200 000 commerçants dans sept pays et à travers 30 points frontaliers. "Le Canada a joué un rôle déterminant dans l'intégration de l'inclusion sociale dans son travail principal de facilitation du commerce, en apportant des avantages aux commerçants qui sont vulnérables à l'exploitation...

Rwanda and DRC Strengthen Economic Ties Through Ambitious Infrastructure Projects

Last week, a high-level delegation led by Mr. Fidele Abimana, the Permanent Secretary in Rwanda's Ministry of Infrastructure (MINIFRA), and Lynder Nkuranga, from the Rwanda Directorate General of Immigration and Emigration (DGIE), toured major infrastructure projects in the economic corridor connecting Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). This visit underscores the ongoing commitment to fostering regional integration and enhancing cross-border trade efficiencies, as well as economic prosperity, in the Great Lakes region. Including representatives from the Rusizi District administration, the European Union (EU), the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and TradeMark Africa (TMA), the delegation inspected the progress of the Rusizi II One Stop Border Posts (OSBPs), currently under construction. These projects, integral parts of the "Secure Cross-border Social Economic and Commercial Activities in the Great Lakes Region" initiative, funded by the EU and implemented by IOM and TMA, are on track to be completed in the coming months. The project at Rusizi II OSBP on the Rwandan side has reached 87% completion, with Rusizi II OSBP on the DRC side reaching 77% completion. The Projects Oversight Committee (POC) issued a series of recommendations to fast-track the completion of the Rusizi/Rusizi II OSBP. Among them, MININFRA, in collaboration with the Rwanda Transport Development Agency (RTDA), is assessing the maintenance needs of the road leading to the OSBP. This is part of a broader strategy to ensure that all infrastructural elements are primed to support the increased traffic and logistical demands anticipated upon the project's completion. Environmental sustainability and...

TradeMark holds high level reflections with Canadian delegation on successes from partnership in driving greater access to trade for women

Global Affairs Canada (GAC) on May 17, 2024, met with TradeMark Africa (TMA) to take stock on CA$18 million partnership that has enhanced economic empowerment for women in trade and an inclusive trading environment at borders across East Africa. In a meeting led by TMA CEO Dave Beer, GAC Director General for Pan Africa Affairs, Sue Steffen, noted that Canada is taking a closer look at its interactions in Africa.  “We recognise that the depth of our partnership with Africa runs deep. We are at a turning point with respect to our relationship and engagements on the continent in fast-evolving global dynamics. It is an interesting period at Global Affairs Canada in our development programming, and I am glad to note that TradeMark Africa is part of this ecosystem as a meaningful partner,” Ms. Steffen noted. TMA CEO Mr. Beer expressed commitment to the partnership, which has enabled the organisations to create innovative solutions such as the iSOKO digital platform for small-scale traders, support efforts to formalise their businesses, and reaching over 200,000 traders’ voice and earning power in seven countries and across 30 border points.   “Canada has been instrumental in building social inclusion into our core trade facilitation work, driving benefits for traders who are vulnerable to exploitation and exclusion from policy processes. We are now looking to apply this approach as we expand the scope of our support in West Africa,” he said. To date, Canada has cumulatively provided over CA$30 million through TMA in East Africa to...

Les chefs d’entreprise mettent la lumière sur les perspectives de l’Afrique de l’Est en matière de commerce et d’investissement dans un environnement instable

Après des années de pressions économiques et d'inquiétudes concernant la dette souveraine, les économies d'Afrique de l'Est connaissent une vague d'optimisme et d'opportunités en matière de financement du commerce et d'investissement dans les infrastructures. Cela fait suite à la pandémie de COVID-19 qui a paralysé le monde, aux inquiétudes concernant la viabilité de la dette, aux pressions inflationnistes et aux récents événements climatiques tels que les pluies intenses et les inondations. Ce sont là quelques-unes des questions qui feront l'objet de discussions au cours de la séance d'ouverture du panel de haut niveau lors de l'événement GTR East Africa à Nairobi les 21 et 22 mai 2024. Organisé par Global Trade Review (GTR), l'événement réunira des leaders de l'industrie, des décideurs politiques, des financiers et des innovateurs pour débattre des opportunités qui stimuleront la croissance du commerce et alimenteront le développement économique de la région. Plus de 50 intervenants experts animeront les deux jours de l'événement, tandis que les expositions permettront aux participants de nouer des contacts avec plus de 300 chefs d'entreprise, pairs et clients potentiels. Il s'agit d'un forum important qui rassemble des leaders d'opinion et des acteurs du financement du commerce, de l'investissement, du commerce et de l'industrie afin de tracer la voie à suivre pour les perspectives de commerce et d'investissement en Afrique de l'Est. Ces discussions importantes ont lieu dans un contexte de défis sans précédent, tels que les inondations intenses qui ont frappé non seulement la région, mais aussi le monde entier, et la...

Industry leaders shed light on East Africa’s trade and investment prospects in a volatile environment

After years of economic pressures and sovereign debt concerns, East African economies are riding a wave of optimism and opportunity in trade finance and infrastructure investment. This comes on the back of the COVID-19 pandemic that brought the world to a standstill, along with concerns around debt sustainability, inflationary pressures, and recent climate events such as intense rainfall and flooding. These are among the issues that will feature in discussions during the opening high-level panel session at the GTR East Africa event in Nairobi on May 21-22, 2024. Convened by Global Trade Review (GTR), the event will bring together industry leaders, policymakers, financiers, and innovators to deliberate on the opportunities that will drive growth in trade and power the region’s economic development. Over 50 expert speakers will grace the two-day event, with the exhibitions availing opportunities participants to network with over 300 industry leaders, peers, and potential clients. “This is an important forum that brings together thought leaders and stakeholders in trade finance, investment, trade, and industry to chart the way forward for East Africa’s trade and investment prospects. Such important discussions are happening on the back of unprecedented challenges such as the intense flooding not just across the region, but also globally and how these events have disrupted the flow of trade, logistics and supply chains. We have already witnessed first hand how critical logistics and supply chain infrastructure at important facilities such as cargo handling terminals at airports can face disruptions, while also exploring the need to climate...

A Closer Look at EAC and TMA’s Joint Efforts to Drive Regional Economic Integration

In a strategic meeting aimed at bolstering regional integration and economic growth, Ms. Annette Ssemuwemba Mutaawe, the Acting Secretary General of the East African Community (EAC) Secretariat met with leadership from TradeMark Africa (TMA), led by CEO Dave Beer. The discussion centred the commitment of both organisations to tackle regional trade barriers, enhance infrastructure and promote sustainable economic practices across East Africa. Breaking Down Barriers: The Fight Against Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs) A major topic of discussion was the progress in eliminating Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs). These barriers have long imposed substantial costs on the region by slowing trade and increasing transaction expenses.  A 2023 report by the EAC Regional Meeting Committee highlighted the economic impact of NTBs and estimated this at around $16.7 million. Resultantly, the EAC has prioritised addressing these barriers to enhance economic efficiency across borders. During the Regional NTB Monitoring Committee meeting held in early May 2024, four out of ten outstanding NTBs were resolved, marking a clear path to smoother trade. The mechanisms for identifying, reporting, and resolution NTBs are being upgraded to include SMS reporting tools, which will integrate with the regional mobile application. This upgrade will significantly improve access for small business traders, enabling them to navigate trade regulations more effectively. TMA’s technological and programming initiatives is crucial to the success of these efforts. Enhancing Trade Facilitation: Focus on Infrastructure and Awareness Trade facilitation remains a priority, with TMA encouraged to support cross learning through high-level ministerial visits to successful projects such as One Stop...